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Ordinance No. 19920
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19920
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:41 PM
Creation date
11/19/2008 4:08:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance levying assessments for paving, sidewalks, curb & gutters, street lights and storm sewers on Goodpasture Island Rd. 2000-ft.north of Valley River Drive to 425-feet north of Kingsley St.; and declaring an emergency. (Contract 92-26)
Approved Date
Ruth Bascom
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record open and to allow McKenzie River Broadcasting to be heard if it decided not to do so. <br />The Hearings Official indicated that he would keep the record open unti15:00 P.M. on June 9 <br />1993 for that purpose. <br />The Hearings Official then called on Dennis Haney. ~Mr, Hane stated that he is not at ease <br />. y <br />with the City of Eugene or its construction contractor. He stated that the contractor used his <br />property for storage of equipment and materials without permission. He needs to mow the <br />parcel but he cannot do so because of the material which was left behind. Some of this material <br />may be hazardous. Mr. Lyle stated that if damage was caused b the contractor the Ci wants <br />Y ty <br />the contractor to correct the problem. Mr, Haney also stated that he doesn't now know where <br />his property corners are. The property was not left in good condition. <br />Both Mr. DeSantis and Mr. Lyle stated that the property will have to be cleaned u b the <br />.., P Y <br />contractor if it s determined to be a contract issue. Mr. Lyle further stated that Burin deli n <br />g g~ <br />he had a crew do a survey of the corners. He noted that the contractor is res nsible for the <br />Po <br />protection of the corners. <br />The next speaker was Ellis Jones. Mr. Jones essentially read from the draft of his remarks. <br />He has provided a ftnal version to the Hearings Official which is attached to these Minutes as <br />Exhibit "A" . The reader is urged to read all of Mr. Jones' remarks, since a summ does not <br />~'Y <br />really do them Jus~ce. <br />For ease of understanding of these Minutes, it is noted that Mr. Jones made essential) two <br />y <br />points. <br />His first point is one carried over from the time of the LID formation. Mr. Jones is critical of <br />City Staff for deciding to assess only 100 of his 422-feet as develo ro .Because the <br />.. P~ P Pe~Y <br />remaining 322-feet are treated as vacant, he is required to pay the full 36-foot assessment. Mr. <br />Tones believes that there is no provision in the Code to authorize such a determina~on and that <br />the Staff s decision was arbitrary. In essence, he wants his entire 422-feet of fronts a treated <br />. g <br />as a developed single family residence property. <br />Related to this issue is his unhappiness that the City is permittin McKenzie River Broadcastin <br />g g <br />to be treated as having only 60-feet of frontage, He believes this is a full develo <br />Y P~ <br />commercial property and that the Delta Ponds do not harm the operation of the radio station. <br />Therefore, he is upset that the radio station is getting a break to the tune of about 31000 on <br />$, <br />its assessment. <br />Mr. Jones' other concern had to do with a storm water run-off ro'ect which is situated <br />. PJ <br />immediately next to his property. It appears that Mr. Jones believes that this articular ro'ect <br />P PJ <br />was constructed at some considerable expense, based on time and materials and is in reali a <br />tY <br />boat ramp for the park department. He complained that a roximatel 2 500 cubic ands of <br />PP y y <br />material was removed from the radio station's private grope and no char a was made for the <br />~y g <br />material, He thought that none of the waste water project should be char ed to ro owners <br />g P Pe~Y <br />•3- <br />IXHi61T! <br />PAGE 3 OF5 <br />
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