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property owner demonstrates either: <br />a. That additional parking i s necessary to meet the parking <br />demand f or a spec i f i c use; and <br />b. Shared use of parking i s not avai 1 ab1 a or adequate to <br />meet the demand, and <br />c. At 1 east fi0~~ of the parking 1 of i s allocated and striped <br />for the use of compact and subcompact cars; <br />DR: <br />d . 1000 of the required 1 ong term bicycle parking i s <br />provided within either a 1 ockabl a room, a 1 ockabl a bi cycl e <br />enclosure, or b~ cycl e 1 ocker. <br />3. Development within parking 1 ots that exceed the maximum number <br />established i n 9.586 ~ f } ~ 1 } shall be required to establish an empl oyee- <br />sponsored Transportation Demand Management Program to be approved by city <br />staff . <br />~ g } Reduced Parkin and Performance 0 t i vn . <br />~1. Parking reductions up to 25 percent of the minimum <br />requirements wi 11 be allowed as a right of development. The city may <br />reduce the minimum required off -street parking spaces ~ per section 9.586 } <br />by up to 50% when a level opment can demonstrate, i n a parki ng-traf f i c <br />study prepared by a traff i c engineer: <br />a. That use of alternative modes of transportation, <br />including transit, bicycles, and walking, and/or special <br />characteristics of the customer, client, employee or resident <br />population will reduce expected vehicle use and parking space demand <br />for this development, as compared to standard Institute of <br />Transportation Engineers vehicle trip generation rates and minimum <br />city parking requirements. <br />2. Any existing use may reduce the number of required parking <br />spaces , by up to , I0% to provi de a trans i t stop and ref ated amenities <br />~nclud~ng a public plaza, pedestrian sitting areas, transit-supportive <br />development, and additional 1 andscapi ng. However, such 1 andscapi ng shal l <br />not exceed 25°la of the total area dedicated for transit oriented uses . <br />Section 29. Anew Section 9.581 is hereby added to the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />to provide: <br />.587 5 ec~a1 Even Par <br />p..... ~ - ~ ~,~~„t king . <br />~~ iln4lm~.~~ <br />~ 1 } Descril~pti nn and Purpose. Special Event Parkin rovi s i ons are <br />intended to: <br />~ a} Encourage comprehensive planning of 1 arge-scale, multi <br />purpose parking 1 ots that wi 11 provi de a qual i ty of development at <br />1 east equal tv parking 1 ots level aped under provisions of section <br />9.589 of this code; <br />fib} Allow design flexibility for certain site planning and <br />1 andscapi ng features ~ n 1 arge-scale parking areas for which uses, <br />other than vehicular parking, are planned; <br />~c} Provide for the development of attractive, safe, and <br />efficient special event parking areas. <br />~ 2 } Ap,pl i cab,~,1 i ty. Special event parking provisions shall be <br />ordinance - 25 <br />