Institutional ~Il.~~~~lldevell,o~me,nt. Schools, hospitals, government
<br />offices and buildings, churches, nursing homes, convention centers
<br />and meeting halls.
<br />urge-scale, high-canopy tree. Deciduous trees having a
<br />~~ - noourl~ Intl ouu ~.ri.mli~lw~
<br />mature canopy width of at 1 east 54 feet and a mature structure that
<br />wi 1 l allow 1 i mbs to be cleared over public streets to a mi n i mum
<br />height of 15 feet above grade.
<br />Main entrance. The principal public bui 1 di ng entrance yr
<br />entrances, Amain entrance door may not be a door that i s 1 ocked
<br />during normal business hours .
<br />Nei hborhood activit centers. A use or combination of uses
<br />which i s a common dent i not i an ar focal point for community
<br />activities, includes primary and secondary schools, neighborhood
<br />parks and playgrounds, and shopping centers.
<br />Pedestrian facilities. Improvements which provide for public
<br />pedestrian foot traffic including sidewalks, walkways, crosswalks
<br />and other improvements, such as lighting and benches, which provide
<br />for safe, convenient, and attractive walking conditions .
<br />Pedestrian scale l i hti n . Light standards or placements no
<br />greater than 14 feet in height located along walkways.
<br />Primary bu, 1 di ng.-entrance. ~ An entrance to a bui 1 di ng intended
<br />for use by members ~~~~.~ of Ill.~l~the general ubl i c such as customers
<br />P ,~
<br />clients, and v~ s ~ tors, or an employee or res ~ dent entrance used mare
<br />than 50 times per day.
<br />~ n~ is
<br />'g__' 'lant vegetation. Vegetation that is healthy,
<br />~Imiin'I'~ InlNll~~~
<br />structurally sound, environmentally appro riate for the site and
<br />P
<br />has the ab~l qty to successfully adjust to proposed changes to the
<br />site. If the vegetation lacks any of these factors, it is not
<br />significant,
<br />Transit authori t , A trans i t district established under ORS
<br />267.010 to 261.390.
<br />Transit facilities. Transit improvements including, but not
<br />limited to bus pul 1 outs, shelters, waiting areas, information and
<br />directional ,signs, benches, and 1 fighting.
<br />Trans ~ t route. An existing or planned route for public i ntra-
<br />city or intro-urban transit service in the local or regional
<br />transportation plan. Transit routes do not include temporary routes
<br />or routes which are planned to be replaced or relocated i n the
<br />relevant plan. Transit routes are also referred to as transit
<br />streets and transit corridors.
<br />Transit sto . Improvements and foci 1 i ti es at selected points
<br />along ,transit routes for passenger pickup, drop off, and waiting.
<br />Fac ~ 1 ~ t ~ es and ~ mprovements may include shei ters, benches, pavement,
<br />sign structures and other improvements to provide security,
<br />protection from the weather, and access to nearby services.
<br />Van ool , A group of from seven to fifteen commuters,
<br />including the driver, who share the ride to and from work or other
<br />destination on a regularly scheduled basis.
<br />Ili si on11111111, cl e,aranc,e area. A tri angul ar area wfi thi n a 1 of
<br />ii~liiin~~~
<br />immediately adjacent to the i ntersect i an of twa travel ways to
<br />prov i de a cl ear. area for viewing approaching traffic for publ i c
<br />safety purposes. For the intersection of a publ i c street with
<br />Ordinance - 4
<br />