intent by the owner or manager to provide housing for persons
<br />55 years of age or older are published and adhered to.
<br />{ 12} Housing shall not fail to meet the requirements for housing for
<br />older persons ~f:
<br />{a} Persons residing i n such housing as of September 13,
<br />1988 do, not meet the ,requirements of subsections {a} or {b} of
<br />subsect~ on { 1 I } of the s section. However new occupants of such
<br />housing shall meet the age requirements of subsections {b} or {c} of
<br />subsection { I 1 } of this section; or
<br />{b} The hauling includes unoccupied units . However, such
<br />units are reserved far occupancy by persons who meet the age
<br />requirements of subsections {b} or {c} of subsection { 11 } of thi s
<br />section .
<br />{ 13 } Nothing i n this section 1 i mi is the appl i cabi 1 i ty of any
<br />reasonable 1 acal , state ar federal restrictions regarding the maxi mum number of
<br />occupants permitted to occupy a dwelling.
<br />4.635 Human Ri hts -Public Accommodations Practices,
<br />{ ~ } It shall ,be an un1 awful public accommodations practice for a
<br />place of publ ~ c accommodate on, a person acting on behal f of a pl ace of publ i c
<br />accommodation, or for any person to ass i st a pl ace of public accommodation or a
<br />person acting on behalf of such place to:
<br />{a} Make any distinction, discrimination ar restriction
<br />against any person because of race, ref i gi on, color, sex, national
<br />origin, marital status, fami 1 i al status, age, sexual orientation,
<br />source of income, or because an individual i s a person with a
<br />disability; or
<br />{b} Publish, circulate, issue or display ar cause to be
<br />publ ~ shed, c~ rcul ated, ~ ssued or displayed, any communication,
<br />not ~ ce, advert ~ sement or sign of any kind to the effect that any of
<br />the accommadati ons, advantages, foci 1 i ti es, services or privileges
<br />of such place of public accommodation wi 11 be ref used, withheld from
<br />or den ~ ed to, or that any ~d i scri mi not i on wi l 1 be made against, any
<br />person because of race, religion, color, sex, not i anal origin,
<br />marital status, fami 1 i al status, age, sexual orientation, source of
<br />income, or because an individual i s a person wi th a di sabi ] i ty,
<br />except as provided by 1 aws governing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by
<br />m~ Hors and the frequenting of m~ Hors i n places of public accommvdati on where
<br />alcoholic beverages are served, and except for special rates or services offered
<br />to persons 55 years old and older.
<br />{2} It shall be an unlawful public accommodations practice for any
<br />place of publ ~ c accommadat ~ on, resort or amusement, or any person acting an
<br />behal f of such ~p1 ace, to discriminate i n any manner described i n this section
<br />because of the race, religion, color, sex, nati anal origin, marital status,
<br />fami 1 i al status, age, sexual on entat i an, source of income, or di sabi 1 i ty of any
<br />other person with whom the individual associates.
<br />4.640 Human Ri hts w En a i n i n Re ri sal or Retaliation. It shall bean
<br />,unlawful practice for any person to penal i to or discriminate i n a
<br />manner proh ~ b~ ted by sect ~ ons 4.613 to 4.640 or ~ to engage i n a repri sal or
<br />Ordinance - 10
<br />