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MEI~4RANDUM <br />Date: November 13,1996 <br />From: Roberk J. Lankston, Acting City Engineer <br />Tv: Hearings Gfficial <br />SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAY APPROACHES FOR <br />FIVE (5) VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY. <br />(CONTRACT #95-26) (JOB #3375) <br />BACKGROUND <br />This project was initiated by the Capital improvement Program ~CIP} adapted by the City Council <br />on February 14,1994. The improvements involves twenty property owners and who will bear 100 <br />percent of the assessable cost. Based on the Council Motion on September 2fi,1994, city staff <br />proceeded with bidding of the project, as provided for in the Eugene Code 7.1 GD~5}and 7.1607}. <br />The City Council formed the Local Improvement District ~LID~ on September 27, 1995. The project <br />has been completed, and final assessment. costs have been calculated. <br />The City received a letter from Amedee M. Smith, 9D E 2Dth Avenue see attached letter}. Mr. <br />Smith express his objection to the cost of the proposed assessment. This assessment included the <br />cost of a retaining wall behind the sidewalk. The retaining wall was necessary to construct the <br />sidewalk and greatly increased the cost, of construction. ~ The cost to, this property owner was <br />$3,451.00 with a total assessment of $5,539.72. The retaining wall was constructed to Gregor <br />Department of Transportation ~ODGT} and City of Eugene specifications. The retaining wall <br />bene~#s this parcel in a manner peculiarto the parcel and was assessed directly against the parcel. <br />PRQJECT <br />The project included construction of five to seven feet wide sidewalk and four to seven inches thick. <br />At the following locations. <br />1. 2Dth Avenue from UVillamette to Gak - 3 properties <br />2. VV. 11th Avenue; Chambers to Garfield - 9 properties <br />3. Bailey Hill Road from 11th Avenue to 1 Sth Avenue - 4 properties <br />4. Royal Avenue from Highway 99 to Louis ~ 1 properties <br />5. Garf eld Street from 12th Avenue to 14th Avenue - 3 properties <br />