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EXHIBIT C: <br />FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE- <br />SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM, <br />CONCURRENT AUTOMATIC AMENDMENT OF THE wILLOw CREEK SPECIAL <br />AREA STUDY DIAGRAM MAP E}, AND ZONING FOR THE WESTEC SITE <br />MA 92-21Z 97-24, WESTEC <br />The following findings pertain to the wester site Assessor's Map 17-04-33-33, Tax Lots 700 <br />and 800}. Numbers in bracketed citations refer to page numbers in the Gctober 27,1997 record <br />packet distributed to the Eugene City Council. <br />CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING A METRO PLAN AMENDMENT AND <br />CONCURRENT AUTOMATIC AMENDMENT TO A REFINEMENT PLAN <br />The following criteria from EC 9.1253}shall be applied by the City Council in approving or <br />denying a Metro Plan Amendment application; <br />~a} The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by <br />the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and <br />fib} Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. <br />EC 9.1364} provides that when a Metro Plan amendment is enacted that requires an amendment <br />to a refinement plan or functional plan diagram or map for consistency, the Metro Plan diagram <br />amendment automatically amends the ref nement plan or functional plan diagram or map if no <br />amendment to the refinement plan or functional plan text is involved. <br />Based on substantial evidence in the record, the Eugene City Council finds as follows: <br />Metro Plan Amendment Criterion #1: <br />EC 9.128 3 a The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide lannin owls <br />ado ted b the Land Conservation and Develo meat Commission. <br />Goal 1-Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement progYam that insures the <br />opportunity far citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br />The amendment is consistent with Goal 1 through the City of Eugene4s public notif cation and <br />public hearing processes concerning Metro Plan amendments. <br />A Metro Plan amendment application is subject to the public notif cation and hearing processes <br />adopted by the City of Eugene in EC 9.118 to 9.136. This amendment was considered by the <br />Eugene Planning Commission and Eugene City Council in public hearings. Notice of these <br />public hearings was duly published in the newspaper of record, The Register-Guard. Written <br />