hearing notices were also mailed to owners and occupants of properties within 300 feet of the
<br />property, to persons requesting notice, and to the neighborhood association.
<br />The amendment was referred to the City of Springfield and Lane County on June 13,1997, as
<br />required by EC 9.124, however neither jurisdiction chose to participate. Gn June 16,1997, the
<br />Planning Division sent to the Churchill Neighborhood Group a referral notice of the application
<br />and information on the public hearing before the Eugene Planning Commission, scheduled for
<br />August 5,1997. Gn July 3,1997, a Staff Report was mailed to the Eugene Planning
<br />Commission and to affected and interested parties as of that date, Gn July 15,1997, the Planning
<br />Division mailed notice of the Metro Plan amendment public hearing to the applicant and persons
<br />who requested notice, to the ownerloccupant of the subject property, and to all owners and
<br />occupants of property within 300 feet of the subject property, Notice of the Metro Plan
<br />amendment public hearing was published in The Register-Guard on July 15,1997, The Planning
<br />Commission public hearing was held on August 5,1997. Pursuant to EC 9.130, the Planning
<br />Commission hearing was the sole evidentiary hearing on the application,
<br />After taking public testimony at the August 5,1997 public hearing, the Planning Commission
<br />left the record open for two weeks, through August 19,1997, for additional public comments,
<br />followed by a one week period, ending August 26,1997, far response from the applicant.
<br />Following the close of the record on the public hearing, the Commission met on September 8, 9,
<br />and 22,1997, to deliberate on the matter, The Planning Commission deadlocked and was unable
<br />to forward a specific recommendation to the City Council either supporting or opposing the
<br />amendment.
<br />However, the Commission did direct staff to draft a set of possible site review criteria which
<br />could be forwarded to the City Council should the Council decide to attach a Site Review
<br />subdistrict to the Metro Plan amendment application's concurrent zone change request, Gn
<br />September 22,1997, the Commission reviewed and modified a set of draft site review criteria
<br />and supported sending the amended set of site review criteria to the City Council for its
<br />consideration.
<br />Gn July 11,1997, the proposed amendment and notice of the City Council hearing on the
<br />amendment was mailed to the Gregon Department of Land Conservation and Development as
<br />required by ORS 197.610. No comment was received in response to the notice.
<br />Gn September 26,1997, City staff mailed notice of the Eugene City Council hearing scheduled
<br />for Gctober 13,1997} to the applicant, neighborhood association, and those who requested to be
<br />placed on an interested parties list for the Metro Plan amendment. The City Council public
<br />hearing was rescheduled to October 27,1997. Gn Gctober 14,1997, City staff sent notice of the
<br />rescheduled public hearing to those who received the September 26,1997 public hearing notice.
<br />The Council held a public hearing on Gctober 27,1997 and heard argument based upon the
<br />evidentiary record established before the Planning Commission. The Council also met on
<br />Gctober 29 and November 10,1997 to further deliberate on the amendment. Public hearing and
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