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The proposed amendment is supported by a factual base and is consistent with the Goal ~ <br />planning process and policy framework. <br />Goal 3, Agricultural Land: To preserve and maintain agricultural lands, <br />Goal 3 defines Agricultural Lands as any in western aregon with predominately Class I, II, III, <br />and IV soils, and other lands suitable for farm use taking into consideration soil fertility, <br />suitability for grazing, climatic conditions, availability of water, existing land use patterns, and <br />other factors. Agricultural land does nat include land within acknowledged urban growth <br />boundaries or land within acknawledged exceptions to Goals 3 or 4. This proposal does not <br />require an exception from Statewide Planning Goal 3 pursuant to 4AR 660-012-065 1 }and 660- <br />012-0653}fin}, which state, <br />660-012-0651}This rule identifies transportation facilities, <br />services and improvements which may be permitted on rural <br />lands consistent with Goals 3, 4,11, and 14 without a goal <br />exception. <br />660-012-0653}fin} The fallowing transportation improvements <br />are consistent with goals 3, 4, 11, and 14 subject to the <br />requirements of this rule: <br />fin) expansions or alterations of public use airports <br />that do not permit service to a larger class of <br />airplanes. <br />The soils on the entire Kokkeler property are classified as follows by the Natural Resources <br />Conservation Service, <br />NRCS Soil Ma Unit <br />5 Awbrig silty clay loam <br />$ Bashaw clay <br />31 Coburg silty clay loam <br />75 Malabon silty clay loam <br />11 S Salem gravelly silt loam <br />Prime Farm land soil tune <br />No <br />No <br />Yes <br />Yes <br />Yes <br />Ca abili Subclass <br />IVw <br />IVw <br />IIW <br />Its <br />This proposal would re-designate 9.1 acres of Coburg silty clay loam Class 2} and Malabon silty <br />clay loam Class I) soils from Airport Reserve to Government and Education, and change the <br />zone from Exclusive Farm UselCommercial Airport Safety Combining ~E-401CAS} to Airport <br />Operations (AO). <br />Alternate sites for the existing air cargo facility were examined and rejected during preparation <br />of the Airport Master Plan. The existing site of the air cargo facility, with the acknowledged <br />need for future expansions, was selected by the elected officials in 1993. <br />Exhibit C, Findings - 5 <br />