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Ordinance No. 20132
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20132
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:18 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 1:25:11 PM
Council Ordinances
Amending Metro Area Plan to redesignate a 9.1 acre portion of property, from Airport Reserve to Gov't & Education & changing the Airport Master Plan on-airport land use plan from environmental buffer to air cargo.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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The codes provide that when a Metro Plan amendment is enacted that requires an amendment to <br />a refinement plan or functional plan diagram or map for consistency, the Metro Plan diagram <br />amendment automatically amends the ref nement plan or functional plan diagram yr map if no <br />amendment to the refinement plan or functional plan text is involved. 1n this instance, the <br />Airport Master Plan Gn Airport Land Use Plan diagram will be automatically amended to extend <br />the Air Cargo designation 9.1 acres to the south. The Air Cargo designation in the refinement <br />plan is consistent with the Metro Plan designation of Government and Education because the <br />property will be owned by a government entity the City of Eugene}. The Air Cargo designation <br />provides a greater level of clarity about the intended government use of the site. <br />The following discussion provides evidence from the record pertaining to Metro Plan <br />.Amendment Criterion #1, consistency with Statewide Planning Goals. <br />Goal 1, Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the <br />opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br />This Metro Plan diagram amendment request is subject to the public notif cation and hearing <br />processes adopted by all three Metropolitan jurisdictions. The amendment was considered at a <br />public hearing before all three Planning Commissions and bodies of elected officials. Notice of <br />the Planning Commission public hearing was published in the Register-Guard and Springfield <br />News, written notice of the Planning Commission public hearing was mailed to the owners and <br />occupants of properties within 500 feet of the property, to persons who requested notice, and to <br />the neighborhood associations. Notice was provided to the owners of the airport as required by <br />ORS 227.175. <br />After receiving the recommendation from the Planning Commissions, the elected officials hold a <br />duly noticed j oint public hearing on the record to consider approval, modification, or denial of <br />the amendment. The process for Metro plan amendments was adopted and acknowledged in <br />1995. The process provides ample opportunity for citizen involvement consistent with Goal 1. <br />Goal 2, Land Use Planning: ~'o establish a land use planning process and policy framework <br />as a basis for all decision and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual <br />base for such decisions and actions. <br />This request to amend the Metro Plan diagram is consistent with government-initiated Plan <br />amendment provisions found in Section IV of the Metro Plan, as codif ed in the Eugene, <br />Springfield, and Lane County Codes. <br />0n December 8,1997, this Metro Plan diagram amendment was initiated by the City of Eugene <br />City Council. Provisions in the Eugene, Springf eld, and Lane County Codes specify the means <br />by which the Metro Plan may be amended. This request, and the process for reviewing the <br />requested amendment, follow the procedures outlined in these codes and conform with the <br />established land use planning process consistent with Goal 2. <br />Exhibit C, Findings - 3 <br />
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