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"2. Significant wetland areas in Glenwood shall be protected from encroachment and <br />degradation in order to retain their important functions and values related to fish and wildlife <br />habitat, flood conttol, sediment and erosion control, water quality control, and roundwater <br />g <br />pollution control." Environmental Design Policy #2, page 92} <br />The 1992 Draft 1~letropolitan Natural .Resources Functional Plan identif es two natural resource <br />sites in Glenwood. A riparian area about 22 acres in size and the riparian area alon the Willamette <br />g <br />River. The inventory is in the process of being updated; and updated or new study recommendations <br />will be proposed as part of periodic review. <br />The amendments do not change Goal 5 inventoried resources in Glenwood. Therefore, the <br />amendments do not affect compliance with Goal 5. <br />Goal 6-Air, Water and Land Resources duality: To maintain and improve the qual i o the <br />tY f <br />air, water and land resources of the state. <br />The proposal for Metro Plan text amendments to transfer jurisdiction of Glenwood does not concern <br />waste and process discharges that would impact the quality of air, water, and land resources. Any <br />and all future development in the area will comply with all local, state, and federal standards and <br />guidelines and will be consistent with the Metro Plan diagram which is not proposed for than e as <br />g <br />part of this proposal, Goal 6 considerations will be addressed by the City of Springf eld, followin <br />g <br />the transition, through the site planning process as future development occurs in the area. The <br />proposal for a Metro Plan text amendment does not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 6. <br />Goa17 Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards: To protect life and property from <br />natural disasters and hazards. <br />According to the Glenwood Ref nement Plan, a significant portion of Glenwovd's river frontage, <br />especially south of the Springf eld Bridge, is within the 1 ~~-year flood zone; some of this property <br />is also within the floodway, The floodway includes the actual channel of the river and the art of <br />P <br />the adjacent floodplain that must be served for the flow of floodwaters. Yn both Eugene and <br />Springf eld, new construction can occur in the flood hazard area outside the floodway if the floor <br />elevation is constructed one foot above the base flood elevation. <br />As part of a development request, any future construction in these areas would have to camply with <br />Springfield Development Code regulations concerning construction within the floodplain. This <br />would also be the case if the area remained in Eugene. Therefore, the amendments are consistent <br />with Goal 7 and continued compliance will occur through protections established by the City of <br />Springf eld's floodplain development regulations. The amendments will not affect Metro Plan <br />compliance with Goal 7. <br />Goal S Recreational Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and <br />4 <br />