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Ordinance No. 20133
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20133
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:18 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 1:26:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Adopting a text amendment to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan to modify Section II-C and Section IV, Policy 5.b., and to transfer jurisdiction for Glenwood from Eugene to Springfield.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreational acilities <br />. f <br />zncludrng destznatron resorts. <br />willamalane Park and Recreation District has continued to make its facilities and services available <br />to residents in Glenwood without requiring out-of district fees. Following transition to S rin f eld <br />p g s <br />~V~llamalane Park and Recreation District will provide park services to the area. Therefore the <br />amendments comply with Goal S. <br />Goal 9 Economic Development: ~'o provide adequate opportunities throu bout the state or <br />g f <br />a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of ~regan's citizens. <br />The proposed Metro Plan text amendments do not change Metro Plan diagram deli nations or <br />,, g <br />economic development polices. Therefore, the amendments will not affect Metro Plan com liance <br />P <br />with Goal 9. <br />Goal 111~Housing: To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. <br />The adopted Metro Plan was acknowledged by LCDC to be in compliance with Goal 10. The <br />proposed Metro Plan amendments do not change Metro Plan diagram designations or housin <br />.. g <br />pollc~es. Thus, the amendments will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 10. <br />Goal 11 Public Facilities and Services: ~o plan and develop a timely, orderly and e tcient <br />arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework far urban and rural <br />development. <br />Glenwood properties now within Eugene city limits are provided services by the Ci of Eu ene for <br />tY g <br />sanitary sewers, stormwater management, parks and recreation, land use planning and building, <br />roads, police, and fire and emergency medical; by EwEB for water and electric; and Eu ene 4J <br />g <br />School District for schools. There is a mutual aid agreement for fire by which Springfield Fire and <br />Life Safety responds to Glenwood properties inside Eugene. Solid waste collection is provided b <br />.. Y <br />lndiv~duals or by private haulers with regional transfer and disposal managed by Lane Coun . <br />tY <br />The Metro Plan provides for land in the UGB to be converted to urban land following annexation <br />when a minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided in an orderly and <br />efficient manner; that a full range of services be provided based on need and budgetary riorities; <br />p <br />and that Eugene and EWEB and Springfield and SUB shall be the water and electric service <br />providers within the UGB, as stated in the following Metro Plan policies. <br />"7. Land within the urban growth boundary may be converted from urbanizable to urban <br />only through annexation to a city when it is found that: <br />5 <br />
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