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Alton Baker Park adds diversity to the types of parks found in the urban area. It is the largest <br />lowland park in the metropolitan area, and is suited to accommodate various elements <br />appropriate only for a central urban park such as the Cuthbert Amphitheater, the wISTEC <br />Museum, large botanical displays, and space for large special events. As a water oriented park, <br />it is appropriate to accommodate water oriented recreation for non-motorized boating. The East <br />and west Alton Baker Park Plans that will be in place following repeal of the 19$6 Alton Baker <br />Park Master Plan contain more detail about what improvements will enhance this special park. <br />Compliance with the Metro Plan Parks and Recreation Facilities Goal will not be affected by the <br />repeal of the 19$6 Alton Baker Park Master Plan. <br />The three Metro Plan elements of secondary importance that relate to this park are listed and <br />discussed below: <br />C. Environmental Resources Element: --Goals: <br />1. Protect valuable natural resources and encourage their wise management, proper use, <br />and reuse, reflecting their special natural assets. <br />2..IVlaintain a variety of open spaces within and on the fringe of the developing area. <br />3. Protect life and property from the effects of natural hazards. <br />4. Provide a healthy and attractive environment, including clean air and water, for the <br />metropolitan population. <br />D, Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors and waterways; <br />Goal: Protect, conserve, and enhance the natural, scenic, environmental, and ecanamic <br />qual ities of river and waterway corridors. <br />E. Environmental Design: --Goals: <br />1. Secure a safe, clean, and comfortable environment which is satisfying to the mind and <br />senses. <br />Z. Encourage the development of the natural, social and ecanamic environment in a <br />manner that is harmonious with our natural setting and maintains and enhances our <br />quality of life. <br />3. Create and preserve desirable and distinctive qualities in local and neighborhood <br />areas. <br />The plans for Nest Alton Baker Park and East Alton Baker Park are responsive to the goals of <br />the three elements listed. The East Alton Baker Park Plan, which has less design detail <br />resolution than the west Alton Baker Park Development Plan, contains four specific goals: <br />7 <br />