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Alton Baker Park Plans have been developed to comply with Goal 15 and the Metro Plan <br />Willamette Greenway provisions, which generally address a range of issues related to parks and <br />open space~~protection of natural and scenic resources along the river; separation of development <br />from the river, except as it may relate to water dependent activity; protection of fish and wildlife <br />habitats. All new park development and management practices in the new East and Nest Alton <br />Baker Park Plans are in compliance with the Metro Plan. Despite the approval of the new plans, <br />both the City of Eugene and Willamalane Park and Recreation District must also receive <br />Willamette GreenwaylConditional Use Permit approval far park development proposals or <br />significant changes within their jurisdictions. Therefore, repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park <br />Master Plan is consistent with Goal 15 and will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 15. <br />Goals 16 through 19 Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes, and <br />ocean Resources}: <br />These goals do not apply within the Metro Plan area. <br />2} Consistency with the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Metro <br />Plan} <br />There are a number of elements in the Metro Plan which relate to Alton Baker Park, and with <br />which development plans for the Park must comply. As an area designated on the Metro Plan <br />Diagram for Parks and open Space, it must be realized that there are multiple obj ectives for this <br />park, and those objectives are necessarily in conflict with each other. Through the planning <br />processes with public input, the development and management plans that will be in place <br />following repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park Master Plan have created a balance between the <br />various goals. <br />The four specific elements most germane to Alton Baker park are examined below, <br />H. Parks and Recreation Facilities--Goal: Provide a variety of parks and recreation facilities <br />to serve the diverse needs of the communities citizen's. <br />Due to Metro Plan Diagram designation, this element is of primary importance. New plans for <br />the east and west sections of the park nevertheless merit consideration in the context of the other <br />three elements. The 1956 Alton Baker Master Plan contained the following goal and policies: <br />Goal; The goal for the development of Alton Baker Park is to enhance the recreational <br />opportunities of Lane County and .~ugene-Sprin~eld metropolitan are residents through <br />the provision of park~type developments and facilities unique to the .Metropolitan region <br />of the County. In addition, due to the park's relation to the Willamette diver, the size of <br />existing native stands of vegetation, and the park's location within an urban center and <br />its proximity to the University of nregon, the preservation of open space and wildlife <br />habitat is another goal of the Alton Baker Park ~Vlaster Plan. <br />d <br />