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Section 3. Subsection ~1} of Section 9.740 of the Eugene Cade, 1911, <br />is hereby amended, and a new Subsection ~5} added thereto, to provide: <br />9.140 Building Official Decision. <br />~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Un1 ess the ap~pl ~~cant agrees to a 1 anger time eri od the <br />. P f , <br />bui 1 di ng off i c~ al shall approve, condo t~ anal ly approve, or deny a vary ance, <br />w~ th f ~ nd~ ngs and conclusions thereon, within 30 days of receipt of a com- <br />plete and accurate application. The building official's decision shall be <br />based vn the following criteria: <br />.~a} Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the <br />specs f ~ ed regul at ~ on would result i n practical difficulty or un- <br />necessary physical hardship inconsistent with the ab ject i ves of <br />the zone ng ordinance. A practi cal difficulty or unnecessary phy- <br />s~cal hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a <br />s ~ te, from geograph ~ c, ,topographic, ar other physical conditions <br />on the site or ~ n the ~mmedi ate vicinity, or from street locations <br />or traffic conditions in the immediate vicinity. <br />. fib} There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or <br />cond~t~ans applicable to the property involved or to the intended <br />use , of the property which do not apply genera1l y to other prop- <br />ert~es class~f~ed ~n the same zoning district. <br />~c} The granting of the variance wi 11 not be detrimental to <br />the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to <br />. ,properties or improvements in the vicinity. <br />In add~t~on to the above cr~ter~a, the following three criteria apply to <br />variances from off-street parking and loading requirements: <br />~d } Neither present nor anticipated future traffic volumes <br />generated by the use of the site or uses of the sites i n the <br />vicinity reasonably require strict or 1 i teral interpretation and <br />enforcement of the specified regulation, <br />fie} The granting of the variance wi 11 nat result i n the <br />parking or 1 oad i ng of vehicles on public streets i n such a manner <br />as to interfere with the free flaw of traffic an the streets. <br />~ f } The granting of the variance will not create a safety <br />hazard or any other condition inconsistent with the objectives <br />of the zoning ordinance. <br />In addition to the criteria set forth in paragraphs ~a} through ~c} of this <br />subsection, the fol 1 owl ng criterion applies to variances from the provisions <br />of the Eugene sign code: <br />fig} 5tri ct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the <br />spec ~ f i ed regu1 ati on would result i n practi cal difficulty or un- <br />necessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of <br />the Eugene sign code. A practical difficulty or unnecessary hard- <br />sh i p may result from the 1 ocat i on of existing structures on the <br />site or in the immediate vicinity. <br />Section 4. A caption, and Sections 9.1000, 9.1002, 9.1004, 9,1006, <br />9.1005, 9.1010, 9.1014, 9.1016, 9.1020, 9.1030, 9.1031, 9.1033, 9.1035, <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />