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.. ~j~ It is necessary to provide regulations which can be ad- <br />m~ n ~ stered to allow sign owners and sign users the opportunity to <br />realize the value of their investment and make as many of their own <br />choices as possible while protecting the needs of the public. <br />~ k~ The cumulative effect of numerous signs i n close proxi - <br />m~ ty has a detri mental impact which can not be addressed i n any <br />way other than by 1 i mi t i ng the number and size of all signs . <br />9.1002 Si n Cade - Recanci l i ati an. In any case where a part of the Eugene <br />sign cade is found to be in conflict with a provision of any zoning, <br />bu i 1 d i ng, fire, safety or health ordinance or code existing at the time of <br />adoption of the Eugene sign code, the provision which establishes a stricter <br />standard for the protection of the public health and safety shall prevail. <br />In any case where a provision of the Eugene sign code is found to be in con- <br />fl i ct wi th a pravi si on of any other city ordinance or state structural spe- <br />c~ a1 ty code wh ~ ch establ i shes a standard which i s 1 ess 1 i ke1 y to promote the <br />purposes of the, Eugene sign code, to the extent al 1 owed by 1 aw the pravi sions <br />of the Eugene sign cade shall be deemed to prevail. <br />9.1004 Si n Code - Exem tions. The following signs are exempted from the <br />requirements of the Eugene sign cade as specified in this section. <br />Except as otherwise provided therein, no sign shall be exempt from the provi- <br />s~ons of sections 9.1006, 9.1008 or 9.100 of the Eugene sign code. <br />~a~, The following signs shall be exempted from the need to ob- <br />ta~n a sign permit. These signs are permitted signs in all sign <br />d~str~cts. Use of these signs does not affect the amount or type <br />of s i gnage atherwi se al 1 owed by the Eugene sign cade. <br />Bus s i ns . Nan-illuminated signs attached to the exter- <br />i ors of buses operated by a mass transit district, so 1 ong as <br />the surface area of all such signs placed upon a bus does not <br />exceed 80 square feet, and the surface area of signs placed <br />upon any one side of a bus does not exceed 3o square feet. <br />Conference and convention banners . One banner may be i n - <br />stal 1 ed on the exterior wal i of a hotel , motel , convention <br />center or auditorium where an event is being held. The banner <br />may be instal 1 ed up to seven days before the event and may re- <br />main in place up to three days after the event. It shall be a <br />f 1 at wall mounted sign, and may be up to 12o square feet i n <br />surface area . <br />flays. Up to three flags may be flown ar displayed on <br />each development site. <br />Hand held,.,,,,,signs. Hand carried signs of six square feet <br />or 1 ess i n area, worn or carried by an individual wh i 1 e bei n <br />9 <br />displayed. <br />Hi stori ca,l ag,ency.,,_pl aq,ues. P1 agues or historical markers <br />placed by ~h ~ stori cal agencies or organizations reco n i zed b <br />g Y <br />the city. <br />Hoiiday,.,,.decarations. Holiday lights and decorations in <br />place during ~~the per~~od between November 15 and Januar 15. <br />Y <br />Murals. Panted wall h~ghl~ghts, wall decorations and <br />other murals. <br />Ordinance - 7 <br />