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Ordinance No. 19710
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19710
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:17 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 2:20:20 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance concerning signs; requiring permits, and regulating the size and number of signs; adding, amending, re-numbering & repealing sections of the Eugene Code, 1971, and declaring an emergency. (See ordinance for section numbers).
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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Parkin iot si ns. Signs up to three square feet in <br />area ,and up to five feet i n height constructed or placed <br />w~th~n a,park~ng lot for the purpose of directing traffic <br />and parking. <br />Public signs. Signs constructed ar placed in a public <br />r~ght•of-way by or with the approval of a governmental agency <br />having legal control or ownership over the right-of-way, signs <br />owned or constructed under the direction of the city, and <br />signs placed by a publ i c uti 1 i ty for the purpose of providing <br />~ nformat ~ on concern ~ ng a pol e, 1 i ne, pipe ar other foci l i ty <br />bel ong~ ng to the publ ~ c ut i 1 i ty. <br />Real estate s,i ~~ns . Signs of 12 square feet or 1 ess i n <br />area, 1 ocated on a level opment site wh i 1 e the ro ert i s for <br />p P Y <br />sale or lease. <br />Si ns Burin elections. Signs 12 square feet or less in <br />area, 1 ocated on private property during the period from 60 <br />days before to five days after any public election to be held <br />~n Oregon. <br />Si ns on historic ro ernes. Signs constructed or <br />maintained on historic property, as defined in chapter 2 of <br />the Eugene Code, 1971, which signs are otherwise subject to <br />regulation because of their location on historic property. <br />Stadium signs. Signs located within a sports stadium <br />which are intended for viewing primarily by persons wi thi n <br />such stadium, where the stadium i s enclosed by a si ght obscur- <br />ing fence ar wall at least six feet in height, <br />Traffic directin si ns. The owner ar lessor of private <br />property may construct one sign at each entrance to the prop- <br />erty and at each entrance to a bui 1 di ng on the property for <br />the purpose of providing direction to vehicular or pedestrian <br />traffic . Such signs may include, but are not 1 i mi ted to, signs <br />showing the street address or name of the bui i di ng. Except for <br />signs panted on paved surfaces, each sign shall not exceed <br />three square feet of surface area and shall be no more than <br />five feet in height. Such signs shall be constructed and <br />located so as to not interfere with vision clearances. <br />Vehicular s i ns . Any sign permanently or temporarily <br />placed on ar attached to a motor veh i c1 e, where the veh i c1 e i s <br />used in the regular course of business for purposes other than <br />the display of signs. <br />Vendin „machine signs, Any sign which forms an integral <br />part of a machine used~~ to dispense goods to consumers. <br />Warn i ng_,,,s i gn s,. Any pubs i c notice or warning required by <br />a valid and appl i cabi a federal , state ar 1 ocai 1 aw, regul a- <br />n on, ar ordinance, and emergency warning signs erected by a <br />governmental agency, utility company or a contractor doing <br />authorized or permitted work within a public right-of-way. <br />fib} Small ,non-~,l l umi,nated signs. Wall signs with a surface <br />area of six square feet or~~~~~~1ess andand which are eight feet ar less <br />above grade shall not require a permit but shall be counted in <br />determining the total sign surf ace area and number of signs al 1 owed <br />on each development site under the Eugene sign code . <br />Ordinance - 8 <br />
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