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Ordinance No. 19723
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19723
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:24 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 3:04:34 PM
Council Ordinances
Concerning snow emergency regulations; amending section 5.010 of the Eugene Code, 1971; & adding new sections 5.677, 5.678, 5.679, 5.680, 5.681, 5.682, 5.683, 5.684, 5.686 & 5.687 to the Eugene Code, 1971.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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manager's designee in accordance with section 5.682 of this code. while the <br />prohibition is in effect, no person sha11 park or allow to remain parked any <br />vehicle on any portion of a priority one ar priority two route to which it <br />applies. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to permit park- <br />~ng at any time or place where it is forbidden by any other provision of law. <br />5.618 Snow Emer enc -Parkin on Priorit Three Routes. <br />~1~ whenever the city manager, or the manager's designee finds, on <br />the bass of fal1~ng snow, sleet, freezing rain, formation of ice, or on the <br />basis of a forecast by the U. S. weather Bureau of snow, sleet, or freezing <br />rain, that weather conditions will make it necessary that roads be sanded and <br />that parking on city streets be prohibited or restricted far snow plowing and <br />other purposes, the city manager or the manager's designee may put into <br />effect a parking prohibition on parts or all of priority three routes as <br />necessary by declaring it in a manner prescribed by section 5.~8~ of this <br />code. The prohibition shall remain in effect until terminated by announce- <br />ment of the city manager or the manager's designee in accordance with section <br />5.682 of this code. <br />~2~ while the prohibition is in effect, no person shall park or <br />a11ow to remain parked any vehicle on a street to which it applies. <br />. €3} Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit parking <br />at any time or place where ~t is forbidden under any other provision of law. <br />5.679 Snow Emer enc -Condition of Motor vehicles 0 erated Durin Snow <br />Emer enc . No person operating a motor vehicle on part of a <br />priority one, priority two, or priority three route on which there is a cov- <br />ering of snow, sleet or ice, or on which there is a parking prohibition in <br />effect shall allow such vehicle to become inoperative. <br />5,680 Snaw Emer enc -Stalled Vehicles on Snow Emer enc Routes. When- <br />ever avehicle becomes stalled far any reason, whether or not in <br />violation of sections 5.617 to 5.651 of this code, on any part of a snow <br />emergency route on which there is a covering of snow, sleet, or ice ar on <br />which there is a parking prohibition in effect, the person operating such <br />vehicle shall take immediate action to have the vehicle towed or pushed off <br />the roadway of such snow emergency route, either to the first cross street <br />which is not a snow emergency route or some other location. No person shall <br />abandon or 1 eave his or her vehicle i n the roadway of a snow emergency route <br />regardless of whether he or she indicates, by raising the hood ar otherwise, <br />that the vehicle is stalled, <br />Snow E__ merg_ency - Decl arat ~ on of E_ . _ <br />5.68 , ,.,_,,,, ,_ ,_,,,,,,~ mergency. The city manager or the <br />manager's designee shall cause eac~~h declaration by him or her of a <br />snow emergency to be publicly announced by means of broadcast or telecast <br />from stations with a normal operating range covering the city. The city <br />manager or the manager's designee may cause such declaration to be further <br />announced in newspapers of general circulation when feasible. Each announce- <br />ment shall describe the action taken by the city manager or the manager's <br />designee, including the time it became or will become effective and shall <br />specify the streets or areas affected. <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />
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