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9. D10 Al att ng_ Standards -Rai 1 roads . <br />~ 1 } Cross i n s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5peci al~ requirements may be imposed by the pl an- <br />n i ng or public works director, i nc1 udi ng but not limited to provisions far <br />separation of street and rai 1 road grades, i n connection with any rai 1 road <br />crossing which wall irmnediately affect the safety of the residents Of the <br />subdivision or partition, for the protection of such residents and the safety <br />of the general public in accordance with the purpose of section 9.02D of this <br />code. <br />~2} Subdivision or Partition Ad 'scent to Ri ht-of-wa . Where <br />the subdivision or partition is adjacent to a railroad right-of-way, and the <br />surrounding econami c and physical conditions indicate such property wi 11 be <br />used for i ndustri a1 purposes i n the normal growth of the cormnun i ty, al l <br />streets shall be 1 orated at a suff ici ent distance from said right-of -way to <br />allow for reasonable sites for industrial use adjacent to said. right-of-way. <br />Section 22. Sections 9.015 and 9.080 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are <br />amended to provide <br />9.075 Platting Standards - Parti,,,al Development. where the subdi vi si an <br />or parti ti on ~~~ ncl odes onl~y~~~part of the area owned by the applicant, <br />the planning or public works director may require a sketch of a tentative <br />1 ayout of streets i n the remainder of said ownership. <br />9.080 Pl atti n Standards -Unsuitable Areas . Areas subject to slippage, <br />flooding, or other natural hazards shall not be divided i n a <br />manner that would be dangerous to the health and safety of those who would <br />live in said areas, or the general public. <br />Section 23. Subsection ~5} of Section 9.085 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />is amended to provide: <br />9.085 improvements -, Specifications. <br />5 ~ Improvements~.~- rSewage . ~~A11 1 ots and parcels within s ubd i v i - <br />sions and partitions sha~~l~l~~~~ where practicable, as determined by the planning <br />and public works directors, i n accordance with the purpose of section 9.020, <br />be served by the sewage system of the city. <br />Section 24. Section 9.D90 of the Eugene Cade, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide; <br />9.090 Variance Provisions. <br />~ 1 } Rel ati onshi p,~,Wto other., Provisions. when the pravi s i ons i n <br />section 9.090 conflict with or are~mvre stringent than those in sections <br />Ordinance - 29 <br />