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9.030 or 9.035, section 9.090 provisions apply. <br />~ 2 } Appi i cat ~' o_n_. <br />. ~a} Time.for,Submittin. A lication. When submitting a par- <br />t ~ t ~ on or subd i v~ s ~ on tentative plan for consideration and approval , <br />a ,person may also submit an application far a vari ance to provi - <br />s ~ ons of sect ~ ons 9.030 to 9.085 of th ~ s code . <br />fib} Contents of A,p,pl ication. An app1 ication and rei aced in- <br />formation prescribed by the city as required for approval of a <br />vari ance shat 1 be submitted by the applicant, together wi th a fee <br />set by the city manager as provided by section 2.020 of this code. <br />The application shal 1 cite the provisions from which the vari ance <br />i s requested and shall include statements of fact showing that the <br />vari ance i s warranted based on required approval criteria, <br />. ~3} ,Nam,. Within ten days after a complete and accurate appli- <br />cat~ on ~ s subm~ tted but no less than ten days before the planning director <br />makes a deci si on, notice of the request shall be mailed to the owners and <br />occupants of property located within 100 feet of the perimeter of the subject <br />property. The notice shall describe the nature of the variance request. <br />~4} Planning Director Dec„sion. <br />Via} Unless ~t~he appl~~~cant agrees to a 1 onger time period, <br />within 30 days of receipt of a camel ete and accurate appl i cati vn, <br />the planning director shall approve, conditionally approve, or <br />deny a vari ance request, with findings and conclusions thereon . <br />The planning director's decision shall be based on the fallowing <br />cry tern a: <br />1. The provisions}, if strictly applied, would cause <br />unique and unnecessary hardship to the applicant in subdi- <br />viding or partitioning the subject area. <br />2. When the application is for a variance from the pro- <br />visions in section 9.045 to 9.085, unusual topographic condi- <br />tions or previous layout of the partition or subdivision or <br />neighboring area reasonably require the variance, and the <br />vari ance wi 11 not be substantially injurious to the best use <br />and value of property i n the neighboring area. <br />3. When the application i s for a vari ance from provi - <br />sions in sections 9.030 or 9.035, the purpose of those pro- <br />vi s ions has been ful f i 11 ed wi thout a stri ct app1 i cati an <br />thereof , <br />fib} Within five days after the planning director renders a <br />decision, the city shat l mai 1 notice of the decision to the appl i - <br />cant, persons who have requested notification, and persons who <br />were entitled to receive notice of the applicant's request under <br />subsection ~3} of this section. The notice shall summarize the <br />decision and inform of the opportunity to appeal the decision i n <br />the manner provided i n subsection ~ 6 } of this section . <br />~5} Effective Date. Unless appeal ed, a vari ance decision i s <br />effective on the eleventh day after notice of the decision i s mai 1 ed under <br />subsection ~4} of this section. <br />~5} Appeal . The provisions for appeal of vari ance decisions <br />shall be as set forth in section 9.0301} or 9,0351} of this codes which- <br />ever i s applicable. <br />Ordinance - 30 <br />