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determined by the bui 1 di ng off i ci a1, and such determination shal 1 be based <br />upon the requirements for the mast comparable building or use specified here- <br />in. Within five days of the determination, the building official shall mail <br />a notice of the determination and of the opportunity to appeal to the app1 i - <br />cant and to owners and occupants of property 1 ocated within 104 feet of the <br />subject property. The deci s i an of the bui 1 d i ng official may be appealed to <br />the hearings official i n the manner provided for appeals set forth i n sec- <br />tion 9.142 of this code. <br />Section 48. The first paragraph of Section 9.592 of the Eugene Cade, <br />1971, is amended to provide; <br />9.592 Parkin ,Areamprovements. All public or private parking areas <br />which contain three ar more parking spaces or have outdoor vehicle <br />sales areas, shall be improved according to the following; <br />Section 49. Subsection ~3} of Section 9.604 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />is renumbered to ~4}, and a new subsection ~3} added thereto, to provide: <br />9.604 S eci a1 Flood Hazard Areas - Devel o ment Permit. <br />~3} Within five days of the decision, the building official shall <br />may 1 a nat~ ce of the deci si on and of the apportuni ty to appeal to the appl i - <br />cant and owners and occupants of property 1 ocated within 100 feet of the <br />subject property. <br />~4} The decision of the building official may be appealed to the <br />hearings official in the manner provided in section 9.142 of this code. <br />Section 50. Subsection ~2} of Section 9.606 is renumbered ~3} and <br />amended, and a new subsection ~2} added thereto, to provide: <br />9.606 Speci al_ F1 oad Hazard Areas -Variances. <br />X23 Wi~th~~n five~~~~days~~~~~~of the ~decisia~n, notice of the building offi- <br />ci al's deci si an and of the opportunity to appeal shal 1 be mai 1 ed to the appl i - <br />cant and to owners and occupants of property 1 ocated within 100 feet of the <br />subject property. <br />~3} ,The decision of the building official may be appealed to the <br />hearings aff~c~a1 ~n the manner set forth in section 9.142 of this code. <br />Section 51. Section 9.608 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide; <br />Ordinance - 49 <br />