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opment District 1 acated within 200 feet of the Franklin Bout evard <br />center line and to property within the C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4 or any <br />industrial zoning district with frontage along the following named <br />streets: <br />~1} West 11th Avenue from 200 feet east of the center- <br />1 i ne of Chambers Street to Terry Street; <br />~2} Highway 99 North; <br />~3} Garfield Street from 11th Avenue to West 5th Avenue; <br />~4} 6th Avenue; <br />~5} 7th Avenue; <br />~ fi} Rai 1 road Bout evard; <br />~7} Coburg Road to 200 feet north of Frontier Drive; <br />~8} Mill Street from Broadway to Coburg Road; <br />~9} Franklin Boulevard to I-5; <br />~ 10} Goodpasture I s1 and Road from the intersection of <br />Palley River Way north 1,700 feet; <br />~ 11 } Bel tl i ne Road from 11th Avenue to Roosevelt Boulevard <br />X12} I-105 from the Coburg interchange to Scout Access <br />Road; <br />X13} I-5 from Henderson Avenue to 300 feet north of Laurel <br />Hi 11 Drive; and <br />~ 14} The northeast side of I -5, from 120 feet southeast of <br />Henderson Avenue to 1,330 feet southeast of Henderson Avenue. <br />X15} East Broadway from Mill Street to its intersection <br />with Franklin Boulevard. <br />Section 13. Subsection ~f}~1} of section 9.1043 of the Eugene Cade, <br />1911, i s amended by add i ng a new subparagraph e . thereto, to provide <br />9.1043 Si n Code -Industrial Si n District. The industrial sign dis- <br />tri ct i s hereby created and applied to al 1 property within the <br />industrial sign district as set forth bet ow. Signs i n this district are regu• <br />fated to accommodate the minimal street frontage of most parcels in the dis- <br />trict and the general proximity to highways and arterial streets. <br />~f} S ecial rovisions -billboards. In addition to all other <br />standards, bi 11 boards i n this district shall be subject to the <br />following standards: <br />~ 1 } Bi 11 boards shal 1 be permitted only along property <br />which abuts the fol 1 owi ng named streets <br />a. Garfield Street north of 5th Avenue to the <br />intersection of Roosevelt Boulevard . <br />b. Seneca Street north of 11th Avenue to the inter- <br />section of Roosevelt Boulevard. <br />c. Bertelsen Road north of 11th Avenue to the i nter- <br />sects on of Roosevelt Boulevard. <br />d. Obi a Street north of 11th Avenue to the end of <br />the street, but no further north than the intersection of <br />Stewart Road. <br />e. West 11th Avenue from 200 feet east of the <br />centerline of Chambers Street to Terry Street. <br />Ordinance - 61 <br />