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ATTACHMENT G <br />January 13, 2009 <br />Joint Elected Officials Meeting <br />City of Springfield <br />City of Eugene <br />Lane County <br />Page 9 of 10 <br /> <br />Commissioner Handy referred to Commissioner Dwyer’s comment regarding the subcommittee bringing <br />back solutions for the whole body to vote on and suggested they bring something back for the community <br />to vote on. He had heard from citizens in the River Road and Santa Clara that felt they did not have a <br />voice on matters. If an Ad Hoc committee was formed, they needed to identify other stakeholders that <br />should be there such as River Road Park District, Santa Clara/River Road Neighborhood Organizations <br />and others. It was premature to assign a committee until they identified the stakeholders. They could bring <br />a proposal for that committee to the next meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Leiken said these were significant issues. The reasons he and Mayor Piercy had chosen the two <br />issues to focus on was to bring success. They would be working on the rest of these issues for some time. <br />The Metro Plan was very large with the land use piece as the largest part, which had been tackled through <br />HB3337. Delivery of services was the piece that needed the most clarification, but often got ignored. The <br />responsibility and delivery of services was now the large issue. He felt they needed to discuss this with <br />DLCD first. He noted the cost and appeals if this was not done correctly. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy said in the short run, the subcommittee could work on the two issues between now and the <br />next JEO meeting. Some conversations and work could also be done around the Metro Plan. In the <br />meantime, they could determine a plan of how they would address the representation issue. That would <br />take thoughtful community input. <br /> <br />Chair Sorenson asked when the next JEO meeting was scheduled. March 3 in Springfield. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka said if the subcommittee looked at Issue #2, he would like to see if staff could show a <br />generic, hypothetical solution and the effects of that solution. <br /> <br />Councilor Woodrow said he agreed with Commissioner Stewart’s idea of this joint group making <br />decisions together. He suggested directing staff to determine if there was a method where the elected <br />officials from all three jurisdictions could make a joint decision. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dwyer said the City of Eugene had the opportunity to deal with a lot of issues in the past. <br />He relayed his experience in Washington DC and representation there. The City of Eugene could invite <br />someone from River Road and Santa Clara to sit at the table to have the discussion. Even if they couldn’t <br />vote, they could influence the decision. <br /> <br />Councilor Pishioneri referred to Commissioner Stewart’s idea of the group making decisions jointly. He <br />said it was a privilege to participate in these meetings, but it was also incumbent upon the elected officials <br />to accomplish something while they were here on the citizens’ time. He would like direction provided to <br />staff. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy asked if they could have agreement to put together a subcommittee on the two issues. <br /> <br />Commissioner Handy said if he was to sit on this committee, he felt it was important to identify <br />stakeholders. He would also like to find out from DLCD what could be done in regards to the Metro Plan <br />and have staff come up with a robust plan that would involve the public. They could bring back the plan <br />at the next JEO meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />