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built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, <br />chattels or property. <br />E1 ectri cal sales . Sales or the offer or exposure for sal e <br />of any electrical device, apparatus, or equipment designed for <br />attachment to or i n stall ati an on any e1 ectri cal circuit or <br />system for light, heat, or power. <br />First aid vehicle. A privately owned motor vehicle far hire <br />that is constructed, equipped, or regularly provided for the <br />nonemergency transportation in the sitting or non-recumbent <br />pasi ti on of persons suffering from i 11 Hess, injury, or di Sabi 1 i ty, <br />and not requiring ambulance service. <br />First aid___yehi cl a operator. A person engaged i n the <br />business of furn~is~h~ing or operating a first aid vehicle. <br />Gas appliance deader. A person other than a gas <br />installat~~on contractor who solicits, accepts or performs the <br />sale or exchange of devices, apparatus, or equipment designed for <br />the attachment to, or installation in, a gas piping system, <br />has dea.1 er - 1 i quef i ed ,,,_p,etrol„eum gas. A person other than a <br />gas installation contractar, engaged in the business of the sale <br />of liquefied petroleum gas or the sale or lease of the <br />installation ar servicing of any equipment designed to contain, <br />distribute or process liquefied petraleum gases up to and <br />including the first stage regulation equipment and piping thereto. <br />Gas fitter. A person performing, for hire or otherwise, the <br />labor or service of installing, altering or servicing any gas <br />appliance, appurtenance .thereto, or gas piping system. Gas fitters` <br />licenses shall be further classified as Gas Fitter Class A, Gas <br />Fitter Class Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Gas Vent Pipe ~nstal1er, <br />in accordance with the license holder's qualifications as <br />determined by the mechanical board: <br />~a} Gas Fitter C1 ass A shal 1 be classified by <br />examination as competent far the installation and servicing <br />of any type and size of gas appliance or piping system or <br />appurtenance thereto, using natural or mixed gas as fuel, <br />including vents in conformance with the provisons of this <br />Code and the regulations of the Oregon Revised Statutes. <br />b Gas Fitter Class L <br />~ } _ „_„_~ „_i u~ef i_ed Petrol eum Gas steal 1 be <br />c1 assi f i ed by exami nati~~on for the ~ nstal lrati onr and servicing <br />of containers, regulators, appliances, piping systems, and <br />vents far use with liquefied petroleum gases in conformance <br />with the provisions of this Cade and the regulations of the <br />Oregon Revised Statutes. <br />~c} Combination Class A and Li uefied Petroleum Gas <br />Fitter shall be classified by examination as competent to <br />perform all work listed in subsections ~a} and fib} above. <br />~d} Gas_ Vent Pipe, ~nstal,,1 er shall be classified by <br />examination as qua1~~~~f i ed to ~i nstal l , replace, or repai r only <br />gas vent piping. <br />Gas installation contractor. A person engaged in the <br />business of installing, repairing, altering or servicing any gas <br />consuming apparatus, or any gas piping system or any appurtenance <br />thereto, with or without the sale of such materials. <br />invalid coach operator. A person engaged in the business of <br />Ordinance - 6 <br />