9.060 Putting and Nlapping Standards - Lots and Parcels, Ali lots and
<br />parcels shat l comply w~ th the following requirements, In thi s
<br />section "lots" and "parcels" are used interchangeably, when more restric-
<br />ts ve, related provisions i n the zoning ordinance apply.
<br />~a~ Lot Area Minimums.
<br />Note: variance provisions are not available for
<br />departure from residential lot area minimums.
<br />1, AG Agricultural District ..,,,,,,,, 20 acres
<br />2, Residential Districts ............ . 4, 544 square feet
<br />3, All other districts except ~-1 .,., 6,000 square feet
<br />4. Exception s
<br />Duplex divisions .................. 3,600 square feet
<br />Corner duplex lots i n RAIR-1
<br />Lots created on or before 3115168 5,000 square feet
<br />Lots created after 3115165 and with
<br />frontage of at least 164 feet ... 8,000 square feet
<br />Lots annexed after 3115168
<br />Existing duplex ................ Existing lot size
<br />At least 160 frontage feet ,.... 8,000 square feet
<br />Interior duplex lots in RAIR-1 ,,., 8,400 square feet
<br />Duplex) tri pl exlfourpl ex provisions i n RAIR-1
<br />Duplexes ........................ 8,444 square feet
<br />Triplexes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12,000 square feet
<br />Fourplexes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16,404 square feet
<br />Alley access parcels
<br />Original parcel
<br />RAIR-~1 ........................ 9,044 square feet
<br />R-2, R-3, R-4 ................. 1,240 or 4,500
<br />square feet
<br />as per alley
<br />access parcel
<br />standards
<br />Both parcels after division
<br />RAIR-1 ........................ 4,540 square feet
<br />R-2, R~-3, R-4 ....... . ......... 3, 500 or 2, 250
<br />square feet as
<br />per alley access
<br />parcel standards
<br />Panhandle ~rear~ lots ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6,444 square feet
<br />Smal l lot provisions i n
<br />R-2, R-3, R-4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,250 square feet
<br />Lot of record ..................... Recorded lot size
<br />Planned unit developments ,.....,., As per PUD
<br />regulations
<br />MUISD uses ........................ As per MUISD
<br />regulations
<br />H District ........................ As per H District
<br />regulations
<br />Cluster subdivisions i n RAIR-1 , . , , As per RAIR-1
<br />cluster provi-
<br />sions
<br />Industrial parks in ~-2 and ~-3 ,,, 5 acres
<br />I f i t i s consistent with the purpose and intent of thi s
<br />Ordinance - 7
<br />