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and facilities and programs under the supervision or control of <br />the division; <br />~c} Processes concerning types of tenant leases, subscription <br />programs, audience development programs, and other similar long- <br />term projects as may come before the commission; <br />~d} Coordination of activates with other agencies within and <br />outside the jurisdiction of the city in a manner that will minimize <br />conflicts and duplication; <br />fie} Coordination with other groups and organizations in the <br />raising and receipt of private donations and funding for the <br />development and operation of the center and other facilities and <br />programs. <br />~2} The commission shall consider and submit by resolution, recom- <br />mendat~ons on,pol~cy to the council and on operational matters to the cat <br />y <br />manager and directors} as follows: <br />~a} An annual recommendation to the budget committee of the <br />city. The recommendation shall be specific and detailed. The <br />comma ssi on shall state i n its recommendata on the budgetary effects <br />of comma ssi on policies and shat l give special attention to an <br />Y <br />operating surplus or deficiency experienced in the immediately <br />preceding fiscal year and anticipated in the upcoming fiscal <br />year. <br />. fib} As necessary, make recommendations to insure that <br />artistic freedom ~s preserved in the selection and giving of <br />performances. <br />~c} Make any recommendations necessary to provide a diverse <br />and wide range of type of performances that will appeal to the <br />interests of a representative cross-section of the community. <br />~d} Recommend initial and review from time to time, rules, <br />reguiat~ons and operating policies concerning operation of the <br />center and division. <br />fie} Make an annual report to the council of the activities <br />and f~nanc~al condition of the center and division, which informa- <br />taan shall be made available to other commissions and officials of <br />the city as is necessary or desirable. <br />2.34 Eu ene Cultural Affairs Commission - Membersha ,Term of Office. <br />~1} The commission shall consist of nine members nominated b the <br />y <br />mayor and appointed by the council. The city manager sha11 serve as an ex <br />officio member of the commission. <br />~2} The term of office for each member, exclusive of the ex <br />officio member, sha11 be for four years. <br />~3} A,vacancy an the commission shall be filled in the same manner <br />as original appointments for the unexpired term of the predecessor member. <br />A vacancy shall occur upon: <br />~a} The death or resignation of a member; <br />fib} A member ceasing to be qualified for original appoint- <br />ment; <br />~c} Termination of a member's term pursuant to section <br />Z.636~3}; or <br />~d} Removal of the member by an affirmative vote of the <br />counci 1. <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />