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i5 ~ '~~ <br />received, the plannin de artment shall distribute co yes to - <br />g p p appro <br />priate agencies and departments for review, comments and recommendations. <br />Zf the planning department does not receive a written response ar extension <br />request within 15 days, it shall assume the proposal is acceptable as sub- <br />mitted, <br />~3} Tentative Plan - Notice to Abuttin Pro ernes. Within ten <br />days of receipt of a complete and accurate application and at least ten days <br />before the planning director makes a decision, the planning department shall <br />mail notice of the request to abutting property owners and occupants, and <br />owners and occupants of properties adjacent to abutting properties. For this <br />notice, properties abutting the area of the application include those separ- <br />ated from it by intervening streets or alleys. <br />~4} Tentative Plan - Plannin Director Decision. <br />~a} .Unless the appl i cant agrees- to a 1 onger time period, the <br />planning director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a <br />tentative plan application with findings and conclusions thereon, <br />within 30 days of receipt of a complete and accurate application. <br />The planning director's decision shall be based on the following <br />criteria <br />I. Approval does not impede the future best use of the <br />remainder of the property under the same ownership or adver- <br />sely affect the safe and healthful development of the remain- <br />der or any adjoining land or access thereto. <br />2. Unless not feasible because of property size, con- <br />figuration, orientation, vegetation, or topography, the major <br />partition or subdivision will allow maximum solar access to <br />south-~facing building wails on December 21 of any year between <br />14 a.m. and 3 p.m. standard time. <br />3. The proposed development will be consistent with <br />applicable adopted neighborhood refinement plans, special <br />area studies, and functional plans. <br />4. The proposed development will not cause unreasonable <br />street congestion, risk of fire, flood, geological hazards, <br />pollution, or similar dangers, hamper adequate provision for <br />transportation, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, <br />education, recreation, and other public services and faci- <br />lities, or result in inadequate light and air or overcrowd- <br />ing of land. <br />fib} If an application requires re-examination of existing <br />standards or policies, the planning director may refer the matter <br />to the planning commission fora decision, <br />~c} On the date it is rendered, the planning director shall <br />mail a copy of the decision to the applicant and parties who have <br />requested a copy. <br />~5} Tentative Plan - Acknowled in Decisions. Tentative plan <br />approval shall be noted on the map or other application materials with the <br />effective date of approval. Unless appealed, the planning department shall <br />provide a copy of the approved tentative plan to the applicant after the <br />effective date of approval. <br />~~} Tentative Plan - Effective Date and Ex iration. Unless <br />appealed, the planning director`s decision is effective on the 1~th day <br />after it is made. The applicant may then proceed with final surveying and <br />preparation for final approval consideration of the major partition map or <br />subdivision plat. Tentative plan approval shall be effective for one year, <br />w~ the n why ch time the application and major partition map or application and <br />subdivision plat must be submitted, Otherwise, the entire procedure must be <br />repeated for consideration in light of changed conditions that may exist. <br />Ordinance -10- <br />