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Ordinance No. 19197
City of Eugene
1980s No. 18550-19659
Ordinance No. 19197
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:43:37 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 2:26:51 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning land use application processes; amending, adding and repealing Sections of the Eugene Code, 1971; & providing for an effective date. (See Ordinance for complete list of effected Sections.)
Approved Date
R. A. "Gus" Keller
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.. ~~~~ <br />~l} Tentative Plan - A eal to the Hearn s 0 <br />ffic~al, <br />~a} ~lithin ten days of the planning director's decision, it <br />may be appealed to the hearings official by the applicant, an <br />adversely affected person, ar parties entitled to notice. <br />fib} An appeal shall be on a planning department form, <br />. shall be based on the retard, and shall state specifically how the <br />planning director fai 1 ed to properly evaluate the proposal or make <br />a decision consi stem with applicable criteria. <br />~c} Unless the applicant and appellant agree to a longer <br />period, the hearings official shall hold a hearing for oral argu- <br />ments an an appeal within ~5 days of submittal. At least ten days <br />before the hearing, the planning department shall mail notice <br />thereof to the applicant, appellant, and persons who requested <br />notice of the planning director's decision. <br />~d} within ten days of the hearing, unless the applicant and <br />appellant agree to a longer period, the hearings official shall <br />.make a decision and mail a copy thereof to the applicant, <br />appellant, and persons who have requested a copy. The hearings <br />official`s decision is final. <br />9.U4U Major Partition Ma and Subdivision Plat Procedure. <br />~~} Major Partition Ma and Subdivision Plat - A lication. An <br />application and related information prescribed by the planning department as <br />required for major partition map or subdivision plat approval sha11 be sub- <br />mitted by the person proposing the subdivision or major partition, together <br />with the fee set by the council,, <br />~ 2} Ma j ar Partition Ma and Subdivision P1 at - Review by Other <br />De artments and A enties. Within five days after a complete and accurate <br />subdivision or major partition application is submitted, the planning depart- <br />ment shall distribute copes to appropriate agencies and departments for re- <br />view, comments, and recommendations. ~f the planning department does not <br />receive a written response or extension request within ~5 days, it shall <br />assume the proposal is acceptable as submitted. <br />~3} Major Partition Ma and Subdivision Plat - Plannin Director <br />Decision . <br />~a} Unless the applicant agrees to a longer time period, the <br />planning director shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a <br />major partition map or subdivision plat within 3D days of receipt <br />of a complete and accurate application, with findings and conclu- <br />sions thereon. The planning director's decision shall be based on <br />the fol 1 owi ng criteria: <br />~. Streets, roads, and alleys for public use are dedi- <br />cated without any reservation or restriction other than rever- <br />si ovary rights upon vacation , <br />2. Streets and roads held for private use and indicated <br />on the tentative plan of the subdivision or ma j ar partition <br />have been approved by the city. <br />3. The plat or map is in substantial conformity with the <br />provisions of the tentative plan far the subdivision or the <br />ma jar partition, as approved, <br />. 4. The plat or map contains a donation to the public of <br />all common improvements, including but not limited to streets, <br />roads, alleys, parks, sewage disposal and water supply <br />systems, the donati an of which was made a condition of the <br />approval of the tentative plan for the subdivision or major <br />partition. <br />5. All common improvements required as conditions of <br />Ordinance -1~- <br />
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