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19/9 <br />approval of the tentative plan of the <br />partition have been accounted for and <br />or map. <br />6, There will exist an adequate <br />water and an adequate sewage disposal <br />proposed use of the land described in <br />7. Either: <br />subdivision or major <br />referenced on the plat <br />quantity and quality of <br />system to support the <br />the plat or map. <br />a. Tmprovements as required by the code or as a con- <br />dition of tentative plan approval have been completed; or <br />b. A performance agreement bond} or suitable sub- <br />stitute as agreed upon by the city and applicant has <br />been filed with the finance officer in sufficient amount <br />to assure the completion of all required improvements; <br />or <br />c. A petition for improvements has been properly <br />executed by the applicant who is seeking the partitian <br />or subdivision and will be assessed for the improve- <br />meets. <br />8. Taxes, as well as public liens, assessments, and fees <br />with respect to the subdivision or major partition have been <br />paid, or an adequate guarantee has been provided assuring the <br />taxes, liens, assessments, and fees will be paid prior to re - <br />cordati an . <br />fib} If an application requires re-examination of exi sti n <br />9 <br />standards or policies, the planning director may refer the matter <br />to the planning commission fora decision. <br />~c} Except as provided for variances, approval does not re~- <br />1 lave the applicant from other applicable provisions of this code <br />or state law. <br />4} Major Parti ti an Ma and Subdivision P1 at - Acknowl ed i n <br />Decisions. Subdivision and major partition approvals shall be noted an the <br />map or plat with the effective date of approval. The planning director shall <br />mail a copy of the decision to the applicant on the date it is rendered. <br />~5} Ex i rati on of Major Partition and Subdi vi si on A naval s . <br />~a} If approval conditions are not fulfilled and the plat or <br />map recorded by the partitioner or subdivider in the office of the <br />Lane County Recorder within one year, approval expires and a new <br />application must be submitted for reconsideration, <br />fib} If the planning director determines conditions have <br />changed enough to warrant reconsideration of a tentative plan, an <br />application for tentative plan approval must be resubmitted and <br />approved prior to subdivision plat or major partitian map and <br />application submittal for reconsideration. <br />(6} Processin and Delivery of the A raved Subdivision Plat <br />or Major Partition Ma to the County Recorder. Following approval by <br />the planning director: <br />~a} ~n the case of a subdivision, the planning department <br />shall <br />~. Obtain on the approved subdivision plat the <br />signature of the city engineer, whose signature shall <br />certify that the platting laws of this state and the <br />requirements of this Code have been met; <br />~. Dbtain on the approved subdivision plat the <br />signature of the county assessor, whose signature shall <br />certify that all taxes on the property have been paid; <br />3. Obtain the signature on the approved subdivision <br />Ordinance -12- <br />