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ill <br />plat of a ma j ari ty of the board of county commi ssi avers <br />whose signatures shall certify that the plat is approved by <br />them; <br />4. Deliver the approved subdivision plat to the <br />office of the Lane County Recorder; and <br />. 5. Notify the subdivider that the approved subdivision <br />plat has been delivered to the office of the Lane County <br />. Recorder and may be recorded, <br />~b~ In the case of a major partition, the planning depart- <br />ment shall deliver it to the office of .the Lane County Recorder <br />and notify the parti ti over that i t has been del i vered and may be <br />recorded, <br />(7~ Delivery of Recorded Subdivision Plats and Major Partition <br />Maps to the ,,,City . <br />~a~ ~n~addition to requirements of state law pertainin to <br />. - g <br />f~l~ng and recording of approved subd~v~s~on plats, within five <br />.days of recordation, the subdivider shall furnish the city engineer <br />with a true .reproducible copy thereof, composed of the same <br />material as required by the county surveyor, or if not so required, <br />of the same material and specifications as required by the city <br />engineer. <br />~b~ ~n the case of a major partition map, within five days of <br />recordation, the petitioner shall furnish the planning department <br />with one true reproducible transparency of the recorded map. <br />Section ~~. Section 9.045 of the Eugene Code, X971, is hereby amended <br />to read and provide: <br />Platting and Mapping Standards <br />9.045 Plattin and Ma in Standards - Streets and Roads. <br />~1~ Dedication. <br />~a~ Generally. The planning ar public works director <br />may require rights-of-way for bicycle or pedestrian use as well as <br />for adequate and proper streets, including arterials, collector <br />streets, local streets, and other streets, to be dedicated to the <br />public by the applicant of such design and in such location as are <br />necessary to facilitate provision for the transportation and access <br />needs of the community and the subject area in accordance with the <br />purpose of section 9.010 of this code. <br />~b~ 5~ecial 5afet_y Re~rements. there necessary to insure <br />safety, reduce traffic hazards and promote the welfare of the gen- <br />eral public and residents of the subject area, the planning ar <br />public works directors may require that local streets be sa de- <br />signed as to discourage their use by non-local traffic. <br />~c} General Plan of Streets and Highways <br />1. Submi tti n Plan . The commi ssi on shall recommend <br />to the council a Eugene Planned Street and Highway <br />Right-of-way Plan and amendments thereto, for the city or <br />such portions thereof as necessary, indicating streets and <br />street systems needed to provide for the transportation needs <br />of the community. <br />2, Ad,..apti_on of Plan. Upon adoption and approval by <br />the council of any such plan yr amendment thereto, as <br />Ordinance -13- <br />