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x$421 <br />Pioneer Museum, and four citizens who have knowledge or inter- <br />est in the areas of local history, architecture, or finance and <br />who have been nominated by the mayor and appointed by the <br />council. Each ~roting member shall be entitled to one vote. <br />The directors of the public works and planning departments, or <br />their designees, shall serve as non-voting members of the board. <br />All members of the board shall serve without compensation. All <br />voting members, except the director of the Lane County Pioneer <br />Museum, shall serve for four~yes,r terms except the f i,rst <br />appointees who shall serge .for the following terms: Two voting <br />members shall be appointed ini ti~l~,y fox tw~o~-year terms ; and <br />two voting members shall be appointed .initially for four--year <br />terms. The director of the Lane. County Pioneer N~useum shall <br />serve during his/her tenure in that position. Vacancies in <br />office shall be filled in the same manner as original appoint- <br />ments and the appointee shall hold office far the remainder of <br />the unexpired term. A voting member who is absent for more than <br />four consecutively scheduled meetings without having been excused <br />by the board shall be removed and the vacancy filled. <br />Section 16. Section 3.564 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended <br />to read and provide: <br />3.560 Public Solicitations Commission. There is hereby <br />created a public solicitations commission which shall <br />consist of the following members: one representative of the <br />police department appointed by the city manager and one repre-~ <br />sentative from the finance department appointed by the city <br />manager. There shall be the fallowing members nom~.nated by the <br />mayor and appointed by the council: one member from the Eugene <br />Area Chamber of Commerce; one member from the United Appeal; <br />and three members representing the public at large. Terms of <br />the initial appointments shall be staggered se that at least <br />one term, but not more than two terms, expire in any one succeed- <br />ing year. Thereafter each term shall be for four years. Upon a <br />vacancy occurring, a successor shall be nominated by the mayor <br />and appointed by the council for the balance of the term. At <br />the first meeting of the commission the members shall select, <br />by majority vote, a chairman and vice chairman. All members <br />shall serve without campens~ation or additional compensation in <br />the case of employes of the city ~ The f ,finance officer sha~.l <br />appoint a recording secretary from his department who shall not <br />have a vote in commission matters, but shall be responsible for <br />keeping the record of the commission. <br />Section 17 . Subsections ~1 ~ and ~_2 ~ of Section 8.130 ~ of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971, are amended to read and provide: <br />8.130 Electrical Board. <br />~.1~ Creation. There is hereby created an electrical <br />board which shall herein be known as the 'bboard''. The board <br />ordinance ~ 12 <br />