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IS~H7 <br />8.125 Permits . <br />~ 1 } R~uired; Exceptions . A permit shall be secured <br />from the city before performing any electrical installation cov- <br />ered by this coder provided, however, that maintenance work <br />noted in subsection ~2~ below, and the installation of meters, <br />service wires and exceptions as noted in subsection ~3} below <br />may be installed, altered or repaired without a permit. <br />~2} Maintenance .permits. A person holding an elec- <br />trical maintenance license shall keep a written record of all <br />electrical installations performed in or about the property under <br />his jurisdiction and shall, at the end of every 3d days or <br />oftener, obtain the required permits to cover such electrical <br />installations; provided however, that where electrical wiring is <br />to be concealed, the electrical inspector shall be notified for <br />inspection before such work is concealed. <br />~.3} Minor electrical work. Permits will not be re- <br />quired for minor repair work, such as repairing flush and snap <br />switches, replacing fuses, rep~.acing lamp sockets and receptacles, <br />taping bare joints and repairing drop cords, nor for experiment- <br />al electrical work of a temporary nature in testing laboratories <br />of electrical shr~ps, educational institutions and similar uses. <br />~_4 } Applicatitin far_ permit. To obtain a permit the <br />applicant sha11 first file an application therefor in writing <br />on a form furnished by the building official for that purpose. <br />The application shall: <br />~a} Identify and describe the work to be covered <br />by the permit for which the application is made; <br />{b} Describe the land on which the proposed <br />work is to be done, by lot, block, tract, and house <br />and street address, or similar description that will <br />readily identify and definitely locate the proposed <br />building or work; <br />~c} Indicate the use or occupancy for which. the <br />proposed work is intended; <br />~~~ Be accompanied by plans and specifications <br />as required ~in subsection ~:6 } of this section; <br />Vie} Be signed by the owner of the land or <br />building or by his authorized agent, whom the build- <br />ing official may require to submit evidence of the <br />authority; and <br />4f} Give such other information as the build- <br />ing official. may reasonably require. <br />~5 }. Duration, of permits . Every permit issued under <br />the provisions of this code shall expire by limitata,on and be- <br />come null and void if the work au~thora.zed by the permit is not <br />commenced within 12~ days from the date of issuance of the per- <br />mit, or if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or <br />abandoned f or ~ a period of ~, Z 0 days at any time after the work <br />is commenced. Before the work may be recommenced, a new permit <br />must be obtained. <br />~ 6 } Plans and spec,if ications . Every person making <br />application for a permit on any structure, other than a single <br />and two family dwelling or accessory building thereto, sha11 <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />