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-s~w~ <br />~2 ~ Terms and removal of members . The members of the <br />board shall hold office for three years following appointment <br />or until a successor has been appointed. One member shall be <br />appointed each year. Upon expiration of a term of any member, <br />he or she may, at the pleasure of the council, be reappointed <br />to serve additional terms. The council shall have the power <br />to remove any member of the board at any time for malfeasance <br />in office, incapacity or neglect of duty.. <br />~..3~ Duties ge~ner~lly. The duties of .the board,. in addi- <br />tion to other duties that may be specified in this code, shall be <br />to hear complaints against licensees under this chapter. The <br />board shall have the power to suspend or revoke any electrical <br />license granted as provided in chapter 3 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971. <br />4.4~ ~ Appeals to board. The owner of a building or struc- <br />Iliil• iliil~•Ilil <br />ture, or any other person, may appeal to the board from the deci- <br />sion of the electrical inspector refusing to grant a modifica- <br />tion of the provisions of this code covering the manner of con- <br />struction or materials to be used in an electrical installation. <br />Application for appeal may be made when it is claimed that the <br />true intent of this code has been incorrectly interpreted, the <br />provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good ar <br />better material or method of electrical, installation is proposed. <br />~_5} procedures of board. All hearings shall be public, <br />and the appel~.ant, his representatives, the electrical inspector <br />and any other person whose interests may be affected by the <br />matter of appeal shall be given an opportunity to be heard. A <br />majority of the board shal~.~constitute a quorum. The baard <br />shall affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the electrical <br />inspector by concurring vote of two members. The board shall <br />adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its in- <br />vestigations and shall render all decisions and findings in writ- <br />ing to the electrical inspector with a copy to the appellant. <br />Section 11. Section 5.135 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to provide: <br />5.135 Standards for, and Identification af, Materials, Appli- <br />ances and Equipment. <br />~. I , <br />~{ 1 ~ Except as the -State of Oregon Electrical Specialty <br />Code adapted in section 8.D75 prescribes to the contrary, mater- <br />ials, appliances and equipment incorporated into electrical in- <br />stallations subject to this code, or sold or offered for sale <br />for that purpose, shall bear the registered label or listing <br />mark of a national~.y recognised electrical--safety-testing lab- <br />oratory or other electrical--safety-testing laboratory that the <br />building off icia~. finds to be as rigorous and reliable in its <br />electrical-safety testing as any such nationally recognised <br />laboratory. Any such finding shah. have legal effect only after <br />the building official states the finding in writing and files <br />it with the finance officer, where it shall be available for <br />public inspection during regular office hours. Before making <br />the finding the building off i~ial shall give the public 34 days' <br />Ordinance - 6 <br />