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Item 3A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 09/08/10 Work Session
Item 3A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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9/2/2010 11:25:01 AM
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9/1/2010 3:47:22 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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periodically updates its legislative policy document, in this case for the 2009 Oregon Legislative Session. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that the changes to the legislative policies document before the council were primarily formatting <br />changes designed to make the document easier to read. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that certain sections of the document had been pulled by the council for further discussion and that <br />the remainder of the document had been adopted at the council’s October 29, 2008, work session. She added that the <br />document was being brought back to the council for further review in response to a request from Mr. Clark. <br />Ms. Wilson noted that since the document had already been adopted, any changes to the document would need to be <br />introduced as a motion to amend by the council. <br />Ms. Wilson and Ms. Piercy discussed how they would proceed with the review of the document, and felt that it would <br />be best to simply go through it with the council to identify items that would need to be pulled for discussion, either <br />later in the work session or at a different meeting in the future. <br />Ms. Wilson, Ms. Piercy and the council proceeded to go through the legislative policies document and pulled several <br />items for further discussion. <br />Mr. Zelenka asked that the statement regarding the City’s support of transportation funding that “establishes system <br />maintenance, preservation and operation as a priority for funding” be highlighted for greater emphasis within the <br />Transportation section of the legislative policies document. <br />Ms. Piercy asked that quiet zones be added to the City’s support of additional and improved structures under the Rail <br />Services subsection of the Transportation section. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a question from Ms. Piercy, noted that the $100 million Housing Trust Fund goal figure <br />listed in the Housing subsection of the Planning and Community Services section of the legislative policies document <br />was accurate. <br />Ms. Wilson, in response to a comment from Ms. Bettman, noted that the use of the term “low-cost housing” under <br />the Housing subsection should actually read “low-income housing.” <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a question from Mr. Clark, confirmed that the legislative objective for the City to support <br />state-supported homeless shelters had been inserted by Ms. Taylor. <br />The council pulled items from the legislative policies document for further discussion. <br />II. Financing State and Local Government--B3. Urban Renewal Districts <br />Ms. Taylor indicated that she wanted to keep the second legislative objective from the subsection, Eugene’s <br />opposition to mandates that a portion of urban renewal funds be spent on particular types of projects, and eliminate <br />the remaining three bullet points. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman felt that the objective opposing expansion of the types of governments that are allowed to create urban <br />renewal districts should be kept in. <br />Ms. Bettman expressed that the City should change its position to support of additional consent requirements for new <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council November 24, 2008 Page 4 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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