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Item 3A: Approval of City Council Minutes
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2010
CC Agenda - 09/08/10 Work Session
Item 3A: Approval of City Council Minutes
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9/2/2010 11:25:01 AM
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9/1/2010 3:47:22 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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or amended urban renewal plans instead of opposing them. <br />Ms. Ortiz advocated for the elimination of the second bullet point concerning mandated portions of urban renewal <br />funds. She expressed that Eugene’s support for such an objective might negatively impact the state-mandated <br />funding amounts provided public school students in Eugene. <br />Mr. Clark indicated that state equalization formulas used to mandate allocations related to urban renewal were a <br />double-edged sword. He maintained that he was not generally supportive of urban development and that rather than <br />revising any of the bulleted items in the urban renewal subsection he would almost rather have a discussion about <br />eliminating urban renewal altogether. <br />Ms. Bettman noted there were inaccuracies in the information being discussed and that closer review of urban <br />renewal policies with emphasis on how they affected school funding was necessary. <br />Ms. Bettman, seconded by Ms. Taylor, moved to delete the item stating, “Eugene opposes <br />additional consent requirements for new or amended urban renewal plans,” from the Urban <br />Renewal Districts subsection of the legislative policies document. <br />Ms. Taylor commented that urban renewal affected all schools in the state and warranted further review. <br />Ms. Piercy noted she would support a motion indicating the City’s support of a discussion on the merits of urban <br />renewal. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a question from Ms. Bettman, indicated she did not know the school district’s official <br />position on funding issues related to urban renewal. <br />Ms. Piercy called for a vote on Ms. Bettman’s previously stated motion. The motion failed <br />2:6. Mr. Clark, Mr. Zelenka, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Solomon, Mr. Poling, Mr. Pryor voting in <br />opposition. <br />IV. Transportation—C. Community Livability – Oregon Livability Initiative <br />Ms. Wilson, in response to a request from Ms. Bettman, defined the issue of the Oregon Livability Initiative (OLI) <br />issue for Ms. Bettman as an initiative to require state agencies to take into consideration those ideas that would <br />provide communities with solutions to invest in their communities, and the Community Incentive Fund (CIF) as <br />funding for task forces to come up with ideas for state agencies to invest in for local communities. <br />Ms. Bettman, seconded by Ms. Taylor moved to delete the item stating, “Eugene supports <br />the Oregon Livability Initiative and encourages additional funding for the Community <br />Incentive Fund,” from the Community Livability subsection of the legislative policies <br />document. <br />Ms. Bettman expressed that support for the OLI and CIF would lead to a proliferation of needless government <br />programs of no practical benefit that would only take money out of the general fund and take money away from other <br />essential services. <br />Ms. Piercy expressed that the statement to which Ms. Bettman was referring only indicated the City’s support of the <br />matter and not any active policy change regarding allocations of the general fund. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council November 24, 2008 Page 5 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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