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<br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Piercy called for a vote on Ms. Bettman’s previously stated motion. The motion failed <br />2:6. Mr. Clark, Mr. Zelenka, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Solomon, Mr. Poling, Mr. Pryor voting in <br />opposition. <br />Ms. Bettman, seconded by Mr. Zelenka, moved to add the phrase “safety, decreased <br />congestion, and decreased automotive, bike and pedestrian conflicts” to the item stating <br />“Eugene supports changes in ODOT access management policies that enhance community <br />livability,” from the Community Livability subsection of the legislative policies document. <br />Ms. Bettman, in response to a question from Mr. Clark, noted that her motion was intended to give the legislative <br />policy objective in question more specific meaning. <br />Mr. Pryor agreed with Ms. Bettman’s statements and indicated his support of her motion. <br />Ms. Piercy called for a vote on Ms. Bettman’s previously stated motion. The motion passed <br />unanimously, 8:0. <br />V. Planning and Community Services—C. Housing <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman maintained that the incentives referenced in the Housing subsection of the legislative policies document <br />were needless and unnecessary tax giveaways. <br />Mr. Clark felt the incentives were necessary for the creation of affordable housing in the community and that the <br />subsection should remain unchanged. <br />Ms. Bettman, recognizing a lack of support for her earlier statement, indicated she would not bring a motion to revise <br />the subsection. She opined that the incentives referenced were overly broad and would not encourage affordable <br />housing to be built but rather create unnecessary subsidies for developers. <br />Ms. Wilson, responding to a request from Ms. Ortiz for further clarification regarding the nature of the incentives <br />being referenced in the Housing subsection, noted that they were comprised primarily of tax breaks and subsidies. <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz noted that he would provide a more specific list of the incentives to the council. <br />Mr. Zelenka noted that examples of the incentives being offered would include tax breaks for sustainable building <br />practices with respect to housing development. <br />Ms. Taylor moved to eliminate the phrase “and subsidies” from the item stating “Eugene <br />supports incentives and subsidies for housing that features sustainable materials and <br />practices.” The motion died for lack of a second. <br />V. Planning and Community Services—D. Land Use Planning and Growth Management--D1. Ballot <br />Measure 37 and 49 <br />Mr. Zelenka noted that he could not support the “Big Look” committee’s review as it had not yet been released. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council November 24, 2008 Page 6 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />