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(Official Ballot) <br /> <br />502, 50~. <br /> <br />O H A,R T F. R A.~I END MEN T o <br /> <br /> ProPosed bY Resolution of the Common Counoll of the City of .Eugene, Ore- <br />gon,. and' referred .to the Electors. <br /> <br /> Sh~).l the ~harter of the. Cit'~ of Eugene, Oregon, be amended 6y add lng a <br />new chapter thereto, authorla lng and empo ~r~ng the Common Council of the city <br />of. Eugene, .to l~su~zand sell negotiable bonds of the City of Eugene, in the <br />sum of One Hundred Seventy five Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof ~s shall <br />be necessary for the purpose of refunding the outstanding General Fund Warrants <br />and Improvement Bond Interest Fudn Warrants cf the City, and to expend the <br />proceeds: in retiring the outstanding Generalfund Warrants and Improvement Bond <br />Interest Fund Warrants. of the City of Eugen.e. <br /> <br /> Vote Yes Or No <br /> <br />502 Yes. <br /> <br /> I hereby submit the foregoing' as a ballot and Ballot Title for the within <br />Charter Amendment. <br /> <br />S.N .Calklns, <br />City Attorney.. <br /> <br /> C H A R T E R AM END M E.N.T , <br /> <br /> An Act to amend She Charter of the City of Eugene, Oregon by adding a new <br />c?.~pter-ther~ to, authorizing and empowering the Common Council of the City of <br />Eugene, to issue and sell negotiable .bonds of. the City of Eugene, in the sum <br />of One Hundred Seventy five Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as shall be <br />necessary for the purpose of refunding the outstanding General Fund Warrants <br />and improvement 'Bond Interest 'Fund Warrants of the City, and to expend the pro- <br />coeds in retiring tlie outstanding General Fund Warrants and 'Improvement Bond <br />Interest Fund Warrant of the City of Eugene. <br /> <br />' THE CITY OP EUGENE DOE~ ORDAIN AS POLh0W$ <br /> <br />BE IT ~ACTED BY THE ELECT0~S OF THE CITY OF EUGENE OREGON. <br /> <br /> Section 1, That the Common Go., noll of the city of Eugene, Oregon, is <br />hereby authorized and empowered to Issue and sell the negotiable bonds of the <br />City of Eugene, to the amount of One Hundred Seventy five thousand Dollars or <br />so much thereof as the Common Council shall deem necessary for thepurpose of <br />paylng the outstanding General Fund Warrants and Improvement Bond Interest Dund <br />Warrants of the City, and to expend the proceeds in retiring the outstanding <br />General Fund Warrants and lmprovemen~ Bond Interest Fund Warrants of the City <br />of Eagene. <br /> <br /> Section 2. The bonds hereby authorized shall be denominated "Warrants <br />funding' Bonds", and shall be a general obligation of the City of Eugene, end <br />shall be in such form and of such denominations as will be in the Judgment of <br />the Con, non Council bemost likely to enh .a~..ce their salability. The bonds shall <br />become due serially, in three general series, to-wit: Fifty Thousand Dollars in <br />ten years, ~lFt¥ Thousand Dollars In Fifteen Years and Seventy five Thousand <br />Dell~rs in ~enty years from the date of their issue ~d ~hall bear interest at <br />a rate net to exceed five per cent~ per ~n~ payable s~i-~nually. <br /> <br />- Section 3. The Common Council of the cats 6f-E~g~ne, fs h;r~by authorized <br /> to include in its general municipal tax levy a sufficient special levy to pay <br /> the interest on said bonds, and to provide a sinking fund with which to pay the <br /> some as they shall fall due. · <br /> <br /> Section-4; Th~ Cornea CouBcll-of the Cl~y of Eugene, is her~by ~uthorized <br />to issue a~d sell such bonds from time to time as the same ma~ be needed for the <br />pur~ ese herein specified, end before any of such bonds shall be sold, they shall <br />be ~verti~ed for sale by.publication of a notice calli~ for bids thereon, t~ / <br /> <br /> <br />