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be published in at least one isa · of some newspaper of general circulation publish- <br />ed in ~ene, Oregon, such publi'catio~ to be at least two week prior to the date of <br />the sale; and if no satisfactory bids are received ~tor the purchase of said bonds, <br />the Common Council may, -in their discretion, either readvertise said bonds for sale <br />in the same manner, or without re-advertising, sell the same at private sale at not <br />less 'tHan par an~ ~ccrt~e~ interest. ............... <br /> <br /> - Section 5. That the mone~ derived from of said bonds shall constitute <br />a special fund, destgnted "Warrant Refunding B'ond Fund', and shall be used for no <br />other purpose than herein provided. <br /> <br /> Section 6. The amount of ~he bonds issued at any time under the authority of <br />this act, and any interest accrued or accruing thereon shall not be taken or deemed <br />as a part of or counted in computing the indebtedness which said City of Eugene is <br />authorized ~o incur, and ~he indebtedness hereby authorized shall be exclusive of <br />all otherindebtedness .of the 'Cit.y authorized to be incurred by its Charter. <br /> <br /> Six sidewalk improvement ordinances were read the first time and passed their <br /> second and third readings by tit. lc by unanimous consent under suspension of the rule <br /> and were planed on theXrfXnalpassage. The ames ,and nays were called, all present <br /> voting aye. Nay none. The 0rdlnanoeswe~edeolared passed and numbered from 5044 to <br />15049 Inclusive. <br /> <br /> Ten sidewalk assessment ordinances were read' the first time and laid over. <br /> <br /> An Ordinance levying assess:merits for paving-14bh Avenue from Alder to Klncaid <br /> Streets, was read the first tlme and laid over. <br /> <br /> An 0rdinanoe levying asses merits for paving Olive St. from llth to 13th Avenues <br /> was read the first time and laid over. <br /> <br /> Be It ~e.~oLved, ,by<~$he Co_mmon'~.Counoll of the City of'~gene, Oregon, that <br />there be submitted to the electors of~.~he Oi. ty ifo. r their approval or rejection <br />at a special election to behereafter order~ by the City Councll'of said City <br />the ~exed proposer charter ~end~ent entitled, "~ Act to ~end the City <br />Charter of the ~it~ of ~ene, 0re, on, by ~ending Seetlou 61 of Chapte~ ~ <br />of said Charter bM ehangi~ the rate of interest on certificates of sale on <br />foreclosure from ten to fifteen per cent, amd adding a provision making the <br />City automatically ,the purchaser of allunsold property,' <br /> <br /> The foregoing resolution and prgposed amendment were filed in the office <br />of the Recorder of the City on the ~th day of September, 192~. <br /> <br /> The following are the forms andnumber in which the question will be sub- <br />mitted t~ the electors of the City on the official ballot: <br /> <br /> ProPos.ed by Resolution of the Common CounCil of the Cltyof Eugene, Ore- <br />gon, and referr, ed to the electors: <br /> <br /> Shall Section 61 of Chapt er IX of the Charter of the City of DAgene, <br />Oregon, be amended by changing the rate oflnterest on certificates of sale <br />on foreclosure from ~ en to fifteen per cent, and adding a provision making <br />the city automatically the purchaser of all unsold property. <br /> <br /> V~TE YES OR NO <br /> 504' <br /> 505~No. <br /> <br />(Official Ballot) Nos. §~5, 505. <br /> <br /> CHARTER <br /> <br />AM EN DM EN T . <br /> <br /> PRoPosed bY Peso!utlon of the Common Council of the City of Eugene, <br />Oregon, and referred to the Electors. <br /> <br /> Shall Section 61 of Chapter IX of the Charter, .of the City of Eugene, Ore- <br />gon, by amended by changing the rate of Interest on certificates of sale on <br /> <br /> <br />