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Ordinance No. 20492
City of Eugene
2012 No. 20485-20503
Ordinance No. 20492
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/4/2012 3:54:53 PM
Creation date
6/4/2012 3:43:06 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
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An Ordinance Concerning Infill Compatibility Standards Related to Multi-Family Developments, ...; and Amending Sections 9.0500, 9.2750, 9.2751, 9.3125, 9.3626, 9.5500, 9.6105, 9.6410, 9.6740, 9.6745, and 9.8030 of the Eugene Code, 1971.
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1. Eaves, cornices, belt courses, sills, awnings, buttresses or other <br />similar features. <br />2. Chimneys, fireplaces, bays, and bay windows, provided they do <br />not exceed 8 feet in width. The maximum frequency of bays or <br />bay windows is one per 15 feet of building facade. <br />3. Porches, platforms or landings with roofs which do not extend <br />above the level of the first floor of the building. <br />(b) Multiple Story Structures (2 or more floors) Except as provided in <br />subsection (c) of this section, for multiple -story buildings, portions of <br />buildings that may project into required front yard setbacks no more <br />than 5 feet and into the required interior yard setback no more than 2 <br />feet, provided such projections are at least 8 feet from any building on <br />an adjacent lot, include: <br />1. Eaves, cornices, belt courses, sills, awnings, buttresses or other <br />similar features. <br />2. Chimneys and fireplaces, provided they do not exceed 8 feet in <br />width. <br />3. Porches no greater than 10 feet deep and no higher than 15 feet <br />measured from grade may project into required front yard <br />setbacks. <br />4. Bays and bay windows no greater than 3 feet deep and 10 feet in <br />width and no higher than 25 feet measured from the exterior base <br />of the bay or bay window to the peak of the bay or bay window <br />may project into required front yard setbacks. The maximum <br />frequency of such bays or bay windows is one per 15 feet of <br />street facing building facade. <br />5. Bays and bay windows no greater than 8 feet in width and no <br />higher than 25 feet measured from the exterior base of the bay or <br />bay window to the peak of the bay or bay window may project into <br />required interior yard setbacks along a public alley. The maximum <br />frequency of such bays or bay windows is one per 15 feet of alley <br />facing building facade. <br />6. Balconies no greater than 10 feet deep are permitted to project <br />into required front yard setbacks. <br />(c) For all multi - family developments and for all residential developments in <br />R -3 and R -4 zones, portions of buildings that may project into required <br />front yard setbacks no more than 5 feet and into the required interior <br />yard setback no more than 2 feet, provided such projections are at least <br />8 feet from any building on an adjacent lot, include: <br />1. Eaves, cornices, belt courses, sills, awnings, buttresses or other <br />similar features. <br />2. Chimneys and fireplaces, provided they do not exceed 8 feet in <br />width. <br />3. Porches no less than 7 feet deep, as measured from the leading <br />edge of the structure, and no higher than 15 feet measured from <br />grade may project into required front yard setbacks. <br />4. Bays and bay windows no greater than 3 feet deep and 10 feet in <br />width and no higher than 25 feet measured from the exterior base <br />of the bay or bay window to the peak of the bay or bay window <br />may project into required front yard setbacks. The maximum <br />Ordinance - Page 12 of 16 <br />
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