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Ordinance No. 20492
City of Eugene
2012 No. 20485-20503
Ordinance No. 20492
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Last modified
6/4/2012 3:54:53 PM
Creation date
6/4/2012 3:43:06 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
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An Ordinance Concerning Infill Compatibility Standards Related to Multi-Family Developments, ...; and Amending Sections 9.0500, 9.2750, 9.2751, 9.3125, 9.3626, 9.5500, 9.6105, 9.6410, 9.6740, 9.6745, and 9.8030 of the Eugene Code, 1971.
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frequency of such bays or bay windows is one per 15 feet of street <br />facing building facade. Bays shall not include doors. <br />5. Bays and bay windows no greater than 8 feet in width and no <br />higher than 25 feet measured from the exterior base of the bay or <br />bay window to the peak of the bay or bay window may project into <br />required interior yard setbacks along a public alley. The maximum <br />frequency of such bays or bay windows is one per 15 feet of alley <br />facing building facade. Bays shall not include doors. <br />6. Balconies no greater than 10 feet deep are permitted to project <br />into required front yard setbacks. <br />7. The maximum length of all porches, bays, bay windows, and <br />balconies intruding in the required front yard front setback is <br />limited to no more than 50 percent of the length of the street <br />facing building facade on each floor. <br />(d) Signs conforming to all other applicable provisions of this code. <br />Freestanding signs 5 feet high or less are allowed in the front yard <br />setback when located at least 5 feet from the front property line. <br />(6) Driveways. Except as provided in EC 9.2751(15)(c) Driveways and Parking <br />Areas in R -3 and R -4 , in any zone, driveways or accessways providing <br />ingress and egress to or from parking spaces, parking areas, parking garages, <br />or structured parking shall be permitted, together with any appropriate traffic <br />control devices, in any required setback. <br />(7) Parking Spaces in Required Setbacks. <br />(a) Except as provided in EC 9.2751(15) Driveways and Parking Areas in <br />R -3 and R-4 in areas with a broad zone category of residential, as <br />depicted in Table 9.1030 Zones, parking in required front and interior <br />yard setbacks is permitted with the following restrictions: <br />1. Parking spaces in required front yard setbacks are permitted in <br />conjunction with a one family dwelling, secondary dwelling, or <br />duplex, provided the parking spaces are located on driveways. <br />2. For lots and parcels with at least 50 feet of frontage, driveways <br />shall cover a maximum of one -half of the area in the required front <br />yard setback. All portions of required front yard setbacks not <br />otherwise covered by legal driveways shall be landscaped and <br />maintained. <br />3. Within the required front yard setback, recreational vehicles, <br />boats, boat trailers, and other vehicles not in daily use, may only <br />be parked on the paved driveway portion of the required front yard <br />setback. No parking shall occur in the landscaped portion of the <br />required front yard setback. These vehicles not in daily use, are <br />allowed to park in the front setback for not more than 48 <br />consecutive hours. <br />4. Recreational vehicles, boat trailers, and other vehicles not in daily <br />use, are permitted to be located in the required interior yard <br />setbacks. <br />(b) In areas with the broad zone category of commercial or industrial, as <br />depicted in Table 9.1030 Zones, except for the C -1, C -2 and I -1 zones, <br />parking spaces and parking areas are permitted in any required interior <br />yard setback. <br />(8) Utilities. Structures necessary for the operation and maintenance of public <br />and private utilities may be located in required front setbacks and interior <br />Ordinance - Page 13 of 16 <br />
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